After all the food was gone, Grandma stood up and I followed her. Since, she began thanking Mama J for the food, I guess we were leaving now. Mama J noticed, and then stood up in protest. "Wait, I made desert! You have to stay for that, its the best part!" She demanded. I told my Grandma and she said back, "Khadijah, its 8:20. I'm usually already sleeping by 8. You stay for desert, but remember to you have school tomorrow, don't have to much sugar."

The Brown family said goodnight to Grandma. Then, Mama J brought out the chocolate cake she made with our cupcakes next to it. Chris and Clinton were in the living room, so we were alone.

"Your cooking is awesome Mama J. Thank you for the food." She smiled brightly.

"No problem, honey. You can come over anytime, not just for food."

Once again, I couldn't reply because Chris and his dad had walked into the room. "Is the cake ready?" Chris asked. I could listen to him talk all day. His voice was the sexiest thing! Mama J cut up the cake and gave each of us one. Clinton walked over to Mama J and planted a kiss on her and it was really cute. I hope i'm like that with someone one day. Chris coughed to get their attention and nodded his head towards me as a way to say "she's still here."

"Chris, you and Khadijah are in the same grade, right? Why don't you take her to your room? You know, become friends," Mama J said.

Chris rolled his eyes and sighed as if becoming friends with me was disgusting. Ok, that hurt a little. I mean, he didn't HAVE to like me but i'm not a bad person. He doesn't even know me!

He grabbed a cupcake then trudged up the steps. I followed him with the plate of cake in my hand. Once, we were up the steps, he went into his room then slammed the door shut behind him. Really? There was no need to be that rude. Should I go in? Well, if he closed the door on me obviously he doesn't want me in there. But I don't want to stand in the middle of the hallway in front of his door, like a sad puppy in the rain. Thats humiliating! My brain made the decision to go in. Chris was laying on his bed with his phone in his hands. He looked at me briefly, then back to his phone. I saw him reach for his earphones.

"Chris? Did I like do something wrong? You seem mad at me. . . " I trailed off.

"I had plans to do shit but then you came," he huffed, annoyed.

I definitely did not want to stay some place where I wasn't wanted. "Oh. . okay um, I can leave. I'll tell your mom I have some. .um homework I forgot to do." I felt completely awkward here now, so I turned around to walk out the room.

"WAIT! Don't go, she'll know you're lying then she'll be pissed at me."

I turned back around to look at him. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, how about a movie? What do you wanna watch?"

I shrugged my shoulders at his question, "Its your room, you pick."

"Did you watch Ouija?"

I internally groaned, I hate horror movies. Or anything that had to do with the dead. But I didn't want to come off as picky so I replied back, "no, lets watch it."

Chris picked the movie on Netflix, then looked up at me. "You don't have to stand the whole time, come sit down."

The cake that was in my hand, was placed down on his dresser before I started walking to a chair he had in his room that was by a desk.

His voice interrupted my walk, though. "Not over there, sit by me," he said.

I changed the direction I was walking and instead went to the bed. I stood at the left side of the bed to slip of my shoes. Chris threw the cover that lay on him to the side, moved over a bit to the right, and then patted the spot next to him. My eyes moved over the top half of his body when I realized he didn't have a shirt on. God, why was he so perfect? He had tattoos that adorned his arms and chest. His muscles weren't crazy bulgy but I could tell he was strong. Physically, Chris was the ideal man.

I laid on the bed making sure to keep a few inches between us. I'm sure my face was looking like a tomato. Never had I been this close with a boy. Let alone a super-sexy, half-naked, boy in his room, on his bed! I wanted so badly for something to happen between he and I. I couldn't help but to keep eyeing his body.

"Are you uncomfortable? I can go put on a shirt," Chris sat up in the bed and looked at me. I guess he mistook my lust for nervousness. "No, i'm okay. I mean its your house, do what you want."

He leaned back down. The movie began playing, but I wasn't paying much attention. Between Chris's body, the heat radiating off of it, and how close we were sitting, the movie was the last thing on my mind.

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