꧁EIGHTEEN ꧂- House of catnap

Start from the beginning

"And the cat?"
Amber had asked but they couldn't get anymore theories exchanged because footsteps echoed outside the door making them all turn around, for some reason the atmosphere was now colder than it already was.

Victor entered the living/dinning room when noticing those five who weren't in their rooms yet. "I hate to break up this cosy little chat, but ten o'clock is fast approaching I shall wish to hear a pin drop. so I suggest you start getting ready for bed immediately" he strictly instructed and within those words they all got up from their chairs heading out of there without saying anything as they separated


IN THE MORNING THEY HAD SCIENCE WITH MR SWEET FIRST THING and their class was starting a brand new topic. "This charge is often carried by electrons moving through a wire.." he explained to the class of year tens then walked away from where he stood. "so, can anyone tell me what is the relationship between electrical current and charge flow?" he'd asked them but nobody said anything though someone's hand went up but it wasn't one question about what they're learning." Alfie?"

"I thought we were going to be dissecting a rat this week mr Sweet?" . Alfie asked despite it not being an answer for their news topic. instead of sitting at the back, he was sharing a table with Mick and his female troublemaking best friend.

"Ugh, gross"
Amber disgustingly scoffed from behind and everyone turned around now paying attention to what her response. " I think experimenting animals is cruel and unnecessary.  Especially experimenting on cats" she continued though this time got stunned expressions from those in Sibuna."I don't think anyone experiments on cats now days Amber" Mr sweet responded but she wasn't very convinced. "How'd you know? I mean, what if someone was trying to make something, like..  I don't know.. just off the top of my head, an elixir of life or something?"

once hearing those words , Rhianna snapped her head round to the back, 'what was she doing?' she thought and noticed how her other members seemed to have the exact same impression. luckily their head teacher didn't quit understand anything Millington just said.

"Strange idea. what a ridiculous idea"
Mr sweet says then fake laughed at Amber's question. he hadn't noticed his other students' facial expressions which were clearly in shock
"it was just something I read in a book that's all" she tells him not realising she almost blew their cover on knowing almost everything that's going on. "well, some alchemists in the Middle Ages did devote their life to searching for an 'elixir' of life. I'm sure they experimented on animals as part of their quest,, and now- "he clapped three times hoping they'll finish the lesson." can we please get back to electrical charge flow?"

When class finished, they met up in the corridor near lockers and Patricia felt like she needs to find out why their clues were almost discovered. "What were you playing at?"she asked confronted millington as they stood in a circle shape position.

"It's called research. didn't you hear what he said about experiments? that's why victor had a cat, he was using it to experiment on it"
Amber says with full confidence " see? I'm a genius" she added.

"She's got a point"
Nina admitted as she agreed with her "I mean, about the cat"  she finished her sentence

whilst Fabian moved away from standing next to her (Martin) and was now by the lockers
"we have to tell someone. we can't keep doing this by ourselves.  I mean- who can we trust? what about Jason?"

Dandelions - House of Anubis1 ✔︎ (edited)Where stories live. Discover now