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                                           THIS WILL BE IN THIRD PERSON


          Venus sprints through the open field, trying to get to the farm she was told. The man that had accidentally shot Carl had came running up to them right after he had shot, not realizing that he shot a child as well. She passes Rick and Carl, trying to get the people at the farm prepared for what was to come. Her vision was shaky as she ran, able to make out figures that she hopped were human.

"Help!" She shouted as she finally made it close enough. People had already begun to file out of the front door.

"Was he bit?" An older man asks as he catches a glance of Carl's bloody body in his fathers arms.

"No he was shot, by your man!" Venus moves out of the way for Rick as he runs towards them.

"Otis?" A woman questions as the walk towards them.

"He said to find Hershel. Is that you?" Ricks voice was panicked and he was out of breath. "Help me. Help my boy."

The man, Hershel, walks back towards the front door, his eyes wide. Venus follows them with Rick in tow, holding his son close.

"Patricia, I need my full kit. Maggie, painkillers, coagulates, grab everything. Clean towels, sheets, alcohol. In here." He shouts out orders, moving the comforter off of a bed. Venus watches with tearful eyes. The kids in the group just couldn't get a break.

"Pillowcase." Hershel demands as Rick stutters out questions, in shock. Venus walks towards Rick, grabbing his shoulder. "Pillowcase, quick." Rick grabs the Pillow and take off the pillowcase with shaking hands.

"Fold it, make a pad." Venus takes the pillowcase from Rick to make the pillowcase into the pad when she noticed his shaky hands. She handed it back and Rick put it to his sons chest, pushing down. Venus steps back, trying to get out of the way.

"I've got a heartbeat." Hershel announces as he puts the stethoscope to the boys chest. A sigh of relief escapes Venus. "It's faint."

"I've got it, step back." The woman that had revealed Otis's name took over Rick's spot.

"We need some space." The other woman, Maggie, spoke up, trying to get Rick out of the room. Venus makes her way out of the room, watching from the hall. Rick makes his way into the hall and Venus watches as he passes her and out the front door. She watches as Shane starts to wipe off the blood from Ricks face.

Venus follows them back into the room and watches the interaction, a ringing in her ears as she tries to listen. Trying to focus on their words was proving to be hard as she didn't even hear her own name being called. The ringing stops when a hand grabs her forearm. She looks up to see Shane looking her in her eyes.

"You okay?" She nods briefly before walking out of the room. She finds her way into the living room and plops down onto the couch, her legs shaking. She puts her head onto the arm of the couch as she calms her breathing down.

"Why'd I let him come with us?" She hears Rick question Shane. "I should've sent him with Lori." Her eyes start to water again, and she blinks rapidly in surprise. She'd thought that after all that crying she wouldn't have anymore tears. Hearing Rick blaming himself, made her realize how much it was her fault that Jasper had gotten separated from them, and why Caspian went off to help the two children.

The screams and cries of Carl makes Venus shoot up from her spot on the couch. She makes her way back into the room and watches in horror as Hershel takes out one of the bullet shards.

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