Chapter eleven

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Sorry I haven't updated for nearly a week, try to understand anyways here's the next chapter! :)


"H-Hey wait now-" Midoriya's sentence interrupted by Bakugou smashing their lips together, it took Midoriya by surprise. This kiss was different, it wasn't needy, it wasn't hungry or rough but it was sweet and soft. It was a two-second kiss, very soft and loving.

"Come on Deku let's go." Bakugou grabbed his hand and pulled him to the studio booth, they entered the room all eyes on them. Although it irritated Bakugou, it was awesome for Midoriya. Bakugou pushed his lover inside the booth and smacked the headphones on his head.

"Ow!" Bakugou kissed his forehead to shut him up. Sometimes Midoriya annoys Bakugou but that doesn't take the fact that he will always love the short boy.

"Ok Midoriya ready!" Momo asked, Midoriya nodded and hummed. Momo signaled Jirou, she flicked and clicked a few buttons and switches. The melody started up filling Midoriya's ear, he hummed along and at that moment Bakugou blushed. Midoriya is where he was supposed to be, in a recording booth, surrounded by people he loves, being able to show and be who he is.

Midoriya looked so peaceful, nothing he had to worry about it. All of a sudden memory flashed in Bakugou's head filling his thoughts.


"____, Come on sing!"

"No! I'm scared!"

"Come on how are we supposed to be a famous band if you can't be the lead singer!"

"...but Kaachan I-I'm scared..."

"Ok Fine! Here anytime your nervous or scared hold on to this ____."

"Really Kaachan?" Young Bakugou handed him a blue hair tie type bracelet except it had a heart knotted into the middle. A heart with small words carved into them.

"See ___!"

"Thank you Kaachan!"

"Your welcome Deku." The bracelet had 'D + K' carved right in the middle.

Bakugou flashed back to reality and Midoriya had just finished the song. Midoriya giggled and left the recording booth, he ran straight to Bakugou arms wide opened. 

"Kaachan!" Baby Deku appeared in his head, Midoriya hugged him tightly and wrapped his arms around his torso. At that moment, Bakugou felt himself fall more in love with Deku. Deku was his childhood friend, the person he loved, the person to hold him while he cried. All the nights of sleepovers and playdates, Bakugou couldn't believe he forget so easily. All the memories came crashing into him, all of a sudden a certain one popped in his head.

"Kaachan, were getting married?"

"Yup nerd!"


"Cause I love you and want you to marry me duh...idiot"

"But we're kids..."

"and...who cares?!"

"Kaachan? Earth to Kaachan!" Bakugou snapped back to reality, everyone was staring at him. He looked around confused, he looked down and saw Midoriya holding onto him.

"Oh uh, hi" He awkwardly responds wrapping his arms around his waist, Midoriya tilted his head confused. Bakugou daydreaming and losing focus isn't normal at all, Midoriya was a bit concerned.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good" Midoriya looked at Jirou with concern, he shrugged it off for later. Maybe later Bakugou could tell Midoriya what was really going on.


"So you're telling me you knew Midoriya since you were kids?"

"Yup" Bakugou had decided to tell Kirishima, Midoriya is busy talking to Momo and Jirou. Kirishima paused for a second, he remembers Midoriya had gone to vacation for about 2 months. He doesn't remember exactly where but he remembers. Midoriya had told him about a boy he met...


"Yes! He was so cool!"

"I'm happy you had fun!"

"He helped me with overcoming my fear to singing!"

"Wow, he must be a good friend."

"He is-I mean was."

Kirishima couldn't believe it, Bakugou was the person Midoriya had a secret crush on him in elementary. Although it was a childhood crush, he couldn't believe Bakugou had found his way back to his best friend's life.

"You should tell him, Bakugou."

"Yeah I am, it's just a few memories as kids."

"Yeah sure..." Midoriya took a glance at the two most important boys in his life and smiled. He ran to Bakugou with his arms wide open, once again an image of baby Midoriya flashed in his head.



Midoriya jumped onto Bakugou, he hugged him tightly and sat on his lap. Kirishima laughed at how much of Bakugou's face was red. Midoriya gave him a peck and noticed his red face. Midoriya saw Bakugou's face was red, through his nose, cheeks, and ears. Midoriya laughed along with Kirishima, Kirishima fell over laughing and wheezing.

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME SHITTTY HAIR!" That line caused the two to laugh harder, Midoriya tried to suppress the laughs but couldn't. Bakugou smacked the back of his boyfriend's head, causing him to nearly lose his breath from laughing. The wheezing and laughter filled the room, the others walked in and saw the two nearly dying of laughter.

They saw Midoriya dying of laughter on Bakugou's lap and Kirishima laughing as well next to them. They all looked clearly confused by the three.

Have an amazing day or night! See you next time! :) Don't forget to vote for the next chapter! :) (sorry for the short chapter)

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