Chapter one

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Closer to his dream. Closer to his dream of being a singer. Will he fulfill his dream he thinks to himself. The dream he had since he could remember, I guess we'll see.

"Aye! Izuku over here!" He hears someone call his name, a red haired boy standing outside a studio place.

"Hey!" He calls back, he runs towards him, shaking his hand.

"The auditions are in 5 minutes."

"I hope I can get lead singer." Kirishima pushes himself and the green haired singer inside, a lit stage with a judging table standing in front of him. He excuses himself with a bow and finds the backstage.

"Hi! You must be Izuku Midoriya, I suppose here for an audition."

"Yes ma'am!" He bows.

"No need to bow, call me Momo."

"Ok momo, any tips?"

"Be yourself and be careful with the lead drummer, he's judgy."

"Thank you" He bows once again remembering he has no need to. He looks up nervously, the girl chuckles and pats his back. Someone calls for her and she takes her leave, he sighs and walks over to a group of other people. Maybe more auditioners.


"Oh hey there shortie, here to audition?" A blonde boy asks, he takes a better look of him, blonde hair, a spike of black on his hair, tall, wearing a hoodie and jeans.

"Yeah, I'm auditioning for lead singer" He answers quite nervous, he doesn't like to brag and mention his singing abilities much.

"I'm auditioning for guitarist and that girl there is also auditioning for lead singer." He points to a brown haired girl, singing vocal practices.

"She might have an advantage though, she has known the lead drummer for a long time. Excuse my manners, I'm denki Kaminari." He gives him a thumbs up and a smile, Midoriya still gazing at the girl. Her voice is raspy and loud but the band is mostly known for their touching songs with meanings. He shrugs and takes a seat on some supporting item.

"Hey you! Dumbass don't sit on my drums!" A spiky blond hair screams at Midoriya, he jumps moving away from the equipment. The blonde gives him an angered look.

"Sorry-sorry-sor-sorry!" Midoriya bows quickly, expecting a 'no problem' or 'don't do it again' but he received quite a interesting answer.

"Whatever dumbass, you must be a trashy audition to not even tell this is a drum set." Midoriya flinches, he lifts up and soon regretted it.

"Hey! Don't look me in the eye! Do you even know who I am?!"

"N-no sorry mister."

"I'm the lead drummer, dumbass!" He leaves bumping into Midoriya's shoulder.

"Ok everyone! Auditions will start! We will start with Denki Kaminari!" Momo yelled out to the group, Kaminari picked up his guitar and followed Momo onto the stage. Midoriya watched from backstage trying to hide.

"Hi I'm denki Kaminari, I would love to be the lead guitarist!" He lifts his guitar and starts playing, he strums his guitar. His eyes close as he plays an originally song, he was getting into the zone. He quickly ends with a riff and does a cool pose as he ends his song.

"Thank you" He bows and smiles at the three.

"Good job!" The only girl judge comments, the one with glasses agrees with her.

"That wasn't trashy" The scary blonde comments not even looking at the boy in the stage. He bows and leaves in a hurry, he was stopped by Momo.

"You did good! The lead drummer usually fires them on stage before they are even hired." Momo gives two thumbs up pushing the clipboard to her chest. Kaminari smiles and starts packing his guitar.

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