Chapter four

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TW: self harm implied

"Todoroki?! WAIT!" His words covered up by Todoroki pushing their lips closer together, Midoriya kept his eyes wide open. What was he doing? He hasn't seen Todoroki since the incident that happened a year ago.

"THE HELL?!" Bakugou swung the car door opened and pulled Midoriya out the door roughly, he wrapped his arms around him protectively. Todoroki rubbed his lip and got out the door. Todoroki was clearly angry.

"The hell you doing?! That's mine!"

"Didn't look like he was enjoying that!" Midoriya was shaking in Bakugou's arms, Bakugou looked down at the poor soul.

"Do you know him?"

"He-he's my ex." 

"Hey! Leave him alone." 

"No, who are you tell me what to do!" Todoroki snapped back, Bakugou looked around for a second for an idea.

"I'm his boyfriend!" Bakugou grabbed Midoriya's chin and pulled him close, their lips connected. Midoriya enjoyed it, he wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him closer. The both nearly forgetting Todoroki was right there, watching them. Todoroki stunned, he scoffed and walked away from the two.

"Hey Deku, are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah." Midoriya was clearly flustered and nervous. Bakugou walked him to his car and drove him to HIS home.


"You can take the bed, if you need anything. I mean anything. Let me know." Bakugou slowly closed the door leaving Midoriya sitting on Bakugou's bed. He looked around a bit, pictures of him with old friends. Until one caught his eye, he threw the blanket off him and walked closer to the picture. It was a picture of Bakugou as a child with a homemade drum set, he saw the main drum has a sign with a 'D' in purple with a snake. It was clearly drawn by a child, he wondered what the 'D' stands for.

"Kaa-" He was about to call for him but stopped. It is night after all, he walked back to bed. He tucked himself in and sighed. He wasn't tired, why would Todoroki come out of nowhere and kiss him? Last time they talked was after the breakup, it hurt both of them but they did what they had to do. The kiss was ok but he was over Todoroki, he wasn't even sure if he still had any feelings for him leftover.

Bakugou sat in the couch silently, collecting his thoughts. Who was that? Why would that person kiss Deku out of nowhere? His ex but why kiss him now? Are they getting back together? These questions running through his head, his thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. He walked to the door and opened it which was a big mistake.

"HEY! WERE HERE TO PARTY ON!" Jirou screamed out with the rest of the group punching the air and cheering.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bakugou screamed back at Jirou's sudden outburst, she stopped moving.

"Deku is in my room sleeping. What are you doing here?" He whispered clearly still irritated, Jirou apologized and she motioned the group to walk in, Ururaka was nowhere to be seen. They all tiptoed in the apartment and sat at the couch. 

"Let me check if he's sleeping." Bakugou slowly tiptoed to the door and creaked it open. He saw Deku sleeping on the bed, he smiles and closes the door. What he didn't know is that Midoriya wasn't sleeping but he was faking it.

"Ok he's sleeping."

"What is he doing here in the first place?" Kirishima asked Bakugou, clearly curious.

"Be quiet a dude jumped on him and...kissed him in his car. I saw his expressions and I knew he didn't like it so I helped out."

"What?! Who was it?"

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