Chapter Six

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Bakugou intertwine their fingers together with Midoriya as they walk to a bakery. Midoriya blushed and gripped Bakugou's hand tighter as they walked.

"Omg! Deku!" Midoriya turns and sees a slightly younger girl run up to him, she was so excited to see a famous singer.


"omg! I loved your debut! Omg Bakugou! Ahhhhh!" The girl was fangirling and noticed the two were holding hands. She smiled brighter and pointed their hands with a squeal.

"OMG! Your dating!!" They two let go of each hands and blushed. Midoriya laughed nervously and watched the young girl squeal and jump. 

"Give me an autograph!" The girl pulled out a notebook and pen, she handed Midoriya the items and squealed harder.

"OMG! You touched my notebook!!" 


"That girl was so annoying!" Bakugou whined while they continued walking, nearly at the bakery.

"Come on, she was a fan! I'm glad someone actually recognized me!" Midoriya giggled, he was so happy someone actually wanted HIS autograph. Bakugou noticed Midoriya started to zone out, he tugged on his shirt.


"Were here." Midoriya looked up and saw the bakery building in front of him, he grew a smile and ran up to the building, Bakugou laughed and chased after him. They entered the building the smell of freshly baked bread filled the air, nice warm light shined the inside of the building. The sunshine came in the room by the windows, they walked to the counter.

"Hello, How may I help you?"

"Yes can I get two chocolate muffins" He asked while tiptoeing to reach to rest his arms in the counter.

"Ok right away!" The tall man left the counter to the back. 

"Thank you!" Midoriya called out to him and flashed a smile. Midoriya took Bakugou's hand and led him to a table, they took a seat across each other and waited.

"You know I don't really like Chocolate..."

"What?! You should have told me! Sir!-"

"No it's ok!"


"Yeah." Midoriya gave a warm smile and looked out the window. Bakugou stared at Midoriya, he's face was shining in the sunlight through the window, he had the voice of an angel and he also looked like an angel. The sunlight shining and enhancing his features, his lips plump and pink, his freckles littered in his face. Everything about him was just perfect.



"Your staring at me Kaachan."

"Oh Uh-I-I zoned out"

"Oh, ok" The employe called their order, they walked over and Midoriya grabbed onto the paper bag.

"Hey cutie, I left my number in the receipt call me if you want to go on a date or hangout." Midoriya looked up at him, and gave him a nervous smile.

"S-Sorry I-I don't-"

"Listen here Bastard, this man is mine." Bakugou gave him a glare and turned to Midoriya, he wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed his cheek. Midoriya blushed and glared at the ground nervously.

"B-bye S-sorry once again." Midoriya stuttered and Bakugou led him out the store, they walked as Midoriya blushed, no one has ever claimed him in that way. Midoriya heart fluttered, Bakugou's touch gave him butterflies, his kisses was honestly the best thing ever to him. He couldn't describe what bakugou made him feel.

"Wait!" He stopped and searched his pockets, he pulled out a pill bottle and shaked two capsules out.

"Your pills..."

"Yeah I trust you, this is my depression pills." Midoriya gulped down the pills without water which was a mistake once again. He coughed and grabbed onto Bakugou's arm and placed it around his waist for him.

"You ok?"

"Yeah" He coughed for most of the part of the walk to the studio. Midoriya and Bakugou gave each other a warm smile which caused both of them to blush.


"Bakugou your here great! The concert was a bomb!" Momo was full of joy, she grabbed Midoriya's hand and pulled him into the booth. Midoriya walked in the room, Jirou was sitting next to all these switches and light up buttons.

"Hii Midoriya!"

"Hi Jirou!" Momo walked in holding Midoriya's hand while Bakugou followed them, Momo let go of his hand and walked over to Jirou.

"Ok Midoriya, the songs did good but the one song that did amazing is the first one."

"Oh, well the song was an original."

"Great, we need to record the instruments and such. Ok, Denki! Ejirou! Ururaka!" She called out, the three came in the room laughing.

"Yes?, momo"

"Time to record the song." They picked up their guitars and walked in the booth. 

Sorry for the short chapter I'm a bit busy today, I promise next episode will be long as usual! Have an amazing day or night! Byee!

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