I walked over to a cooler I saw and grabbed a water out of it.

"You don't want a beer?" this girl asked.

"No thanks, I'm good," I replied with a smile.

"You sure?" she questioned again.

"Mackenzie, just leave her alone," another girl stated as she walked up to us.

"Hi, I am Bella," the girl said.

"Hi, I'm Brenda," I said while sticking my hand out for her to shake it, she did.

"Hey who wants to play volleyball?!" a guy said, he looked like he could be in college.

"You wanna play," asked Bella.

"I think I'm good."

"Come on, it'll be fun."

"No thanks."


So there I was just drinking my water and watching the volleyball game go on. I mean I'm good at volleyball but not as great at some of these people. There were some people who didn't play so great.

I looked at the sky, it was still light out. I decided to go for a walk by the water. I walked over by the water where it was quite. I took off my sandals and held them in my hand.

There was a little breeze, and it was starting to make me feel cold, but I just kept walking. The sky looked so beautiful. I felt like I was being watched though. I hated this feeling so much. Then I heard footsteps, oh no this can't be good.

"Hey, why aren't you playing volleyball?" a boy who looked about my age was asking.

"I'm not that great at it," I stated.

"Neither are half the people playing," he said with a smile, " my name is Nate by the way."

"I'm Brenda," I said with a smile.

"That's a nice name."

"Thanks," I said feeling heat come to my face. Good thing the sun started to go down.

"Come on," he said grabbing my hand, "we are going to play volleyball whether you like it or not."

"No, I am not," I said crossing my arms like a five year old. I barely knew this guy and I was already arguing with him.

Then Nate picks we up bridal style and starts carrying me. I looked up at him and noticed he gorgeous gray eyes and short black hair that covered his face a little, but the wind made his hair blow.

I have to admit he was attractive, but not as attractive as Zach. Why does everything I think have to refer back to Zach? Speaking well thinking of Zach, where is he? I haven't seen him since we arrived here, he is probably playing volleyball or flirting with a girl, hopefully he is playing volleyball.

Zach's P.O.V.

Where did Brenda disappear to? The last time I saw her was when she was talking to two hot girls. I mean they were hot but not as hot as Brenda. What am I saying? Anyways, where is she.

Right now, I am getting some water because I am thirsty from playing volleyball. I needed a break, so I decided to go see where Brenda was. There I saw her by the water and Nate walked up to her.

Nate and I use to be really good friends but then he went out with a girl that I really liked and I was going to ask out. She said yes to him of course, and later when they broke up and I didn't like her anymore he said he didn't even like her. Which means he just dated her because I wanted to date her. I know that is a stupid reason not to like someone but I like really liked this girl, I forgot what her name was though.

Nate was talking to Brenda and my jaw clenched and so did my fist. Why, probably just looking out for Brenda because Nate is jerk, a bigger jerk than me and that is saying something.

Nate reached for her hand and she took her hand away and crossed her arms, that made me smile. She acts like a five year old sometimes but it's cute. Wait, did I just say that? Then Nate picked her bridal style, what is he doing? He made me mad because Brenda said no and he didn't listen to her. I finally decided just to leave it.

I walked up to Mackenzie, the girl that Brenda was talking to earlier and we just talked. I found out that she is a cheerleader.

Nate and Brenda walked up by everyone and we all decided to play another game of volleyball. It turns out Brenda is amazing at volleyball. One time Nate picked Brenda up so she could hit the ball, that is not how you play volleyball. Nate is not a good guy. Why am I being so protective, I don't even like Brenda.

We all sat by the campfire and sang songs. Nate was playing on his guitar. Why did that guy have to be so perfect? Ok, I just sounded so gay right now, but Brenda is going to fall for him if she thinks he's perfect.

We also roasted marshmallows which were actually pretty good. The thing that disgusted me though was that Brenda was feeding Nate. I am going to hurt Nate.

"Are you ok?" Mackenzie asked me wasted.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said.

"You don't look fine," she said.

"I'm fine," I said a little more harsh this time.

"Maybe this will help," she said. She grabbed my face and crushed her lips against mine. I tried getting out of her grip but man this girl had a grip. I had nothing better to do, so I kissed her back.

Brenda's P.O.V.

I was laughing with Nate. This had been a goodnight, until I saw Zach kissing that girl Mackenzie that had been wasted earlier. K couldn't watch this, I had to leave.

I told Nate I had to go, he wanted me to stay longer but I couldn't. Zach was my ride home but I didn't care. Nate offered to give me a ride home but I said refused. He had looked a little upset that I refused. I actually think he likes me, but I don't like him.

I know it's a stupid idea to walk alone in the dark but I had to leave.

I was walking in the little pathway and I swear someone was following me but I think it was just my imagination. I just kept walking and ignored it. Then someone put a bag over my head and carried me, I tried screaming for help but it didn't work. The person carrying me threw me on the ground so I would black out, but before I blacked out I noticed this was just like my dream before.

How could Zach do this to me?

My Diary and The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now