New friends

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Third POV
Between the events of late night dust robberies and the constant White Fang threats, surely that should be the only sources of negativity in the quiet kingdom of Vale, right? Unfortunately there are in fact many sources of negative energy surging around the city, ways more concealed and unnoticed than others. One of them is in the form of a dysfunctional family in the rural areas of the kingdom.

Kiyomi is a stunning young woman who grew up in a world where she wouldn't have to worry about facing any problems in her life. She has kept this mindset all the way up until she married a musician named Sadafumi Kujo. During their time together, they eventually had a son named Josefumi. You would think that this would lead to a happy life between the three, but unfortunately things took turn for the worse for the next four years. Kiyomi was not only beautiful, she was extremely irresponsible for her age. She would constantly take days off from work to spend time on the beach with her friends, even go as far as taking sleeping pills to feign sleepiness to her boss. Sadafumi didn't like this part of his wife's lifestyle, and tried persuading her to break her old habits and be a responsible mom to Josefumi. However, his attempts at persuading Kiyomi only turned into heated arguments between the two, further degrading their relationship.

By the time Josefumi turned three years old, Sadafumi divorced Kiyomi, having been at his wits end with her irresponsible behavior. He left her with Josefumi, hoping that this will be the wake up call she needs to get her life back in order.

That was not the case....

Now that she was single again, Kiyomi spends more time from work to catch the attention of new men that comes her way. All the while neglecting Josefumi, only giving him the essentials he needed before locking him up in his room whenever she has someone over. Because of this, Josefumi was always alone, the one of the few things keeping him occupied was his fantasies of having a loving family that will give him more than just food and clothes. In his room only contained a bed, a few toys, and scroll that contained some of his father's favorite music, the only things his father left for him. He could never understand why his father left him with his mom, but he made sure to cherish whatever he had left of him, for it gave him the only sliver of hope that his dad would come back for him.

Josefumi's POV

Kiyomi: You can't do this to me!!.......... I know I have been away from work for the past two weeks but I promise I will come back tomorrow!............ Come On Jerry, tomorrow's just in a few hours, just let me come in and I'll be back to working on regular schedule, promise.

Looks like mommy is mad, the person must have done something to her..

Kiyomi:.......shit shit shit! Dammit!

I watched from behind the staircase as mommy tossed her phone on the couch and paced back and forth, murmuring to herself. I decided to go up to her to see what was wrong.

Josefumi: Mommy-

Kiyomi: Not now Josefumi! I'm thinking.

She continues to walk like that until she perks her head up. I think she figured out something.

Kiyomi: I got it! Josefumi, be a good little boy and go back up to your room.

She said that with a smile on her face, but I didn't want to stay in my room for the rest of the night, cuz I knew that the men that would come over, stays until next morning.

Josefumi: I don't want to stay in my room mommy, it's lonely in there-

Kiyomi: Are you going to go upstairs or does mommy need to give you a spanking?!

I immediately ran up the stairs once she said that. I hated getting spankings from mommy since she uses a rubber belt and hits my back with it really hard, most of the time it left really big marks. When I got to my room, I closed the door and sat against it, I felt tears threatening to leave my eyes as I tried really hard to not cry. Mommy hated it whenever I cried out loud and it resulted in more spankings from her. I got in my bed and fell asleep.

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