Sheer Heart Attack

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Yoshikage's POV
The Elevator ride was long and silent, the emptiness of lift made it feel even longer. I didn't even realize that I was dozing off during the ride. When I opened my eyes again I found myself in Vale, but a different part of Vale I was not familiar with. The sky was no longer a bright blue but rather a golden yellow.

Yoshikage: this is a dream.....

I looked around the area and noticed that I'm in an alleyway that had an intersection about midway with a lonely red mailbox across from it. The weirdest thing was that it was completely dead silent here, as if the town was completely abandoned. I would disregard this as just being a weird dream but there's about this whole environment that felt so... real. As a test I started walking down the alleyway, keeping close attention to the area. It was when I was about to walk past the red mailbox I heard a voice.

???: Hey mister!

Slowly turning around, I see a little boy, can't be any older than fiver standing where I used to stand. He had messy dark purple hair, purple eyes and was wearing a green shirt and jeans.

Yoshikage: How.... long have you've been there?

Kid: huh? I've always been here, you're the one who's new here mister!

Yoshikage: Ok then, what is here?

Kid: I dunno, I just come here all the time whenever I fall asleep, but there was a girl always here waiting for me instead of you.

Yoshikage: So you're dreaming too, how long have you been having this type of dream?

Kid: I don't really remember, it has been a while since I first having it.

Yoshikage: You mentioned meeting a girl here, was she dreaming up this place like us?

Kid: I don't think so, she kinda knew everything about this place.

Yoshikage: Well I need to wake up from this dream before that elevator door opens and I embarrass myself. Have fun in your fantasy world.

I begin walking past the red mailbox until I suddenly heard a high pitched scream behind me, I quickly turned around to see that the kid was gone. There was no other path way to that end of the alley way, so where could he have gone?

Yoshikage: Hey! Where did yo-

Before I could finish, several arms sprouted from a dark cloud in the wall reached out and grabbed me. They were ridiculously huge and held a tight grip on me.

Yoshikage: What the hell is this??? KILLER QUEEN!

As soon as Killer Queen came out to protect me, more hands came out to grab him as well, but this time, they ripped him apart and he shattered like glass. This also shattered my body into pieces.

Yoshikage: What the hell is this dream, I can't even fight these things, and they look like they're going to try and drag me down into that cloud!

The hands started to withdraw back into the cloud with Killer Queen and I in their grasps.

Yoshikage: Shit! At this point I'm finished! I'm gonna... I'm gonna...

Before I was completely consumed by the dark cloud, a bright light shot out of the dark cloud and blinded me. I shut eyes in an attempt to shield them, when I reopen them, I found myself back in the elevator, slumped up to the wall with my arms crossed. My head was dripping with sweat, but it didn't soak my uniform so I wiped off the sweat from my head and got ready as the elevator door opened. I see Professor Ozpin sitting at his desk with Goodwitch standing beside him.

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