Chapter One

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One day, a day was all that I was asking, yet they wouldn't give me a chance. Was it that hard to wait to move out? The least they can do after they surpised me out of no where.

My family was moving out of the town, and apparently I had to move out as well because I was still underaged. I know right? Was it kind of lame being dragged around like that? And it was so infuriating because this town had all I asked for! Nice street, wasn't too quiet, wasn't too loud. We were at a location where cars didn't pass too much and our neighbors loved to play music every morning. When you wake up, a savory smell coming from the donut shop nearby greets you. I could mention just about a hundred more positives in here. This is the paradise. Why would we have to move out for a damned job?

"Ellie, will you help your brother carry the boxes?" My mom asked sweetly as she struggled to organize our stuffs at the back of the van.

"No," I said in disgust.

"I think she's buthurt she has to leave her girlfriend behind." My little brother meddled in our conversation.

"Really, Evan? Nobody asked." I rolled my eyes and went back to sit at the front porch to scroll at my phone. They could move out the stuffs on their own, I never wanted to leave in the first place.

Ah, she texted me again...

I know she didn't want me to go. But as cliché as it sounds, I didn't have any other choice or plan but to come with my family. I just didn't anticipated that this day would come. All I thought about before was being with her. And how fun it was, and how when she was by me, nothing else mattered, even what's ahead of us.

"I'm going to miss you sooooo bad," She texted me, adding many "o" to her so. She's so extra.

"I'm missing you, literally and not literally," I replied.

"Shut up, you're making me want to show up at your house, and it's one in the morning,"

"That doesn't seem too bad,"

"It is dummy, they'll catch us,"

"I doubt it, I'm slowing them down by secretly putting back other boxes inside the house,"

"Wow, that's very Ellie of you,"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

Dad called me out separating me from my phone and back to this... depression you could call. He wanted me to check the house, see if everything is cleared, no things left behind. I stood up and went in. It's better than carrying boxes, I could barely even lift my grades up, what makes them think I can do boxes?

One last time I turned on my phone, "I love you Anne, got to go," I typed and pressed send.

"Love you," I saw the notification on my lockscreen pop up. And honestly, I don't ever want to delete that, ever.


We arrived and the sun was at it's lowest height. It made me realize just how long of a distance it is, it took us almost a day to get here. I'm already getting homesick just by standing outside our new house. It's so plain, and tasteless and empty.

Looking around our area, it amused me how clean and proper this place is. Green grass cut short, the pathway and the road is flat and even. Street lights were all working as far as I could see. Our neighbors' house were all well lit up.

I shouldered my backpack and called it a night by going up to my designated bedroom. It's bigger than my recent room, has more space for "activities", too bad I don't do much of anything these days but go out the house. They painted the walls yellow as I requested, I said it's to brighten the mood because being here's gonna be miserable. And they did, so what's that suppose to mean? Even the bed sheets are yellow.

I scanned my room further going in the bathroom to check it out. I didn't have my own before, so it's nice, I guess...

Finally, after pacing back and fort on my room, inspecting every corner of it, I settled down on my bed and brought my backpack onto it. My bed is placed next to a wide window, and what's worst is we don't have curtains installed yet. Now I'm not really a scaredy-cat, but it is weird given it's placed just across my bed. Who knows if some weirdo will try and stalk me while I'm sleeping. Or if I turn at my side I'll suddenly see a demon shadow scratching my window off. God help me.

I heard my brother's voice calling out for dinner. I recalled them talking about ordering pizzas earlier, and my mouth's already watery just by the mention of it.

I made my way down stairs just in time to get a glimpse of someone leaving at the front door. Curious as I was, I rushed to my mom who was carrying a tupperware full of biscuits.

"Who's that?" I asked as I try to steal a cookie from her but she quickly slapped my hand away, "Ow!"

"Our neighbor, she came by to introduce herself. How sweet of her right?"

"Uhh yeah of course," I nodded, as my attention shifts else where. The bigger deal is this... The thin crust pepperoni pizza in front of me! God answer prayers in odd ways, and I'm not complaining.

After we ate all the pizzas, and after Evan decided to be a jerk and waste a slice by tripping on a box like an idiot he is, I decided to bring the tupperware full of biscuits on our dining table. It's just the first day and mom already has a bestie. She bakes this precious things, this one I'm holding has lil cat ears and the others have funny faces on it. I could imagine a sweet old lady baking them with love~

"Ellie sweetie, come with me to the market tomorrow. We'll buy our neighbor gifts," Mom said.

"Why? Christmas is like 5 months away, I don't get it." I gave mom a weird look and she sighed at me.

"Treat others like you want to be treated. Respect them, and they'll respect you." She sermoned which my dad seemed to also agree as he raised both of his eyebrow.

Cut me some slack to this good deeds thing. I swear other people could still treat you shit even after what you have done for them. Take me for instance, Ms. Good Neighbor took her time to bake these biscuits, and here I am criticizing it, saying it's too sugary. But is it really called being a shitty person, when I'm actually telling the truth? Maybe it doesn't count...

I silently made my way upstairs, using my super stealth powers, I did it successfully. I don't want to wash the dishes, Evan could do them, he's the youngest, that's what they're made for. Plus, he owes me 10 dollars, so I won't be receiving complaints for a couple of weeks at least.

I got to my room and threw myself on the bed. Never minding that it's bad to sleep when your stomach is full, I was already snoring like a bear even before the thought hit me.

Curiosity (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora