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Graduation Day...

"We did it guys..we finally graduated,"Niall said.

"But now we have to go our separate ways,"Selena pout.

"I'm actually leaving tonight,"Liam said.

"I am too,"Zayn confessed.

"But babe..I don't have to leave for the next 1 week,"Harry said looking at zayn.

"I'm sorry bub..I will see you in L.A,"Zayn said kissing Harry.

Time Skip...

In L.A...

"Babe I got the Audition,"Zayn said as he pull Harry in a tight hug,he finally got to audition for a record label.

"And guess what.."Harry said biting on his bottom lip.

"I got into the modeling agency,"Harry announced to his boyfriend.

They moved to L.A one month ago and got a little apartment together.

"This calls for a celebration,"Zayn said.

"Nothing extravagant though,"Harry said.

"let's stay in and have a nice dinner a bit of wine?"Zayn suggested.

"Perfect,"Harry smiled.

"Yeah..Now go get ready I'll make dinner,"Zayn said.

"But I'll help you,"Harry insisted.

"No buts..go babe."Zayn said kissing Harry's forehead.

He made dinner and open up a bottle of red wine for them,He lighted some scented candles and set the table.

He quickly changed into something nice as he wanted this to be a proper dinner date even though it's at home.

Harry came into the dinning room and he looked beautiful even though he was only wearing one of zayn's shirt that was to big for him with the first few buttons undone.

"I feel undressed,"Harry said shyly as he take a look around.

"You're perfect babe,"Zayn said as he held Harry's hand walking him to where he set the table.

"I know this date is so cliché..but I wanted to do something for you,"Zayn explained.

"It's beautiful..I love it."Harry said reassuring zayn.

They had dinner and talked about their future and about how they hope their first day to go Tomorrow.How they miss their friends and life in general.

The Next Day..

Harry entered the Modeling Agency and he was excited for his first day.

"Uhm..Hi I'm Harry,"Harry introduced to the model that was in front of him,She was gorgeous.

"I'm Bella..Nice to meet you,"She introduced shaking Harry's hand.

"Same here,"Harry smiled.

"First day?"Bella asked.

"Yeah..kinda nervous,"Harry replied honestly.

"Oh don't be if they hired you thennyou must have something special..They rejected me 2 times but here i am now.."She reassured harry.

"Rejected you? but you are perfect for modeling how could they reject you,"Harry said.

"My sister got in the first time itself but I didn't ,"Bella explained.

"Who's your sister?"Harry asked.

"There she is doing a photoshoot,"Bella points out.

"Gigi.."Harry was shocked.

"The one and only Gigi Hadid.."Bella said proudly.

"Oh..Gigi's your sister,"Harry said.

"Is there something wrong Harry?"Bella asked.

"Well..your sister and I are not on good terms..she did something bad to me..soo,"Harry said hesitantly.

"She is not that bad..she did have a problematic personality before but she changed for the better,"Bella explained.

"Hey bells..who is that?"Gigi said as she walk up to us.

"H-Hi,"Harry greeted.


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