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"You sure you're okay babe?"Zayn asked as they were laying on their bed as zayn run his fingers through Harry's hair.

"Yes..I'm Fine Z,"Harry reassured as he close his eyes.

"I'm not leaving you alone again,"Zayn said as he snuggled closer to Harry.

"Please don't,"Harry whispered.

One month Later...

It was another normal boring day at school and Harry was waiting for zayn to who had Art class.

"Hi Babe,"Zayn pecked Harry's lips as he walked out of his class.

"Zee you have paint on your face,"Harry said before wiping it off.

"you're coming over today,"Zayn stated.

"I have to meet.."Harry started but zayn cut him off.

"I wasn't asking,"He said as he kissed Harry's cheek.

"You always do this"Harry said.

"My parents won't be home today"Zayn smirked and Harry blushed.

"Your sister will.."Harry said.

"She has a date with tom,"Zayn stated as he open the car door for Harry.

The car ride to zayn's house was filled with comfortable silence.

"We are home,"Zayn said as he got out of the car and opened the door for harry.

"Can we just take a nap,"Harry said feeling sleepy.

"Of course Babe."Zayn said as he pick harry up into his arms as he noticed Harry was sleepy.

"You don't have to do that,"Harry protested.

"Shh..Get some sleep Babe,"Zayn said as he entered the house and carried harry upstairs to his room.

He place Harry on the bed and cuddled with him as they both drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later..

"Zayn,"They woke up to someone shouting.

"who's that?"Harry mumbled still sleepy.

"Probably my mom..,"Zayn mumbled as he buried his face on the pillow trying to fall back asleep.

"My mom,"Zayn jolt up as he realized that his parents were  back home.

"Babe..I think it's time we tell her,"Zayn said.

"zee I was not prepared for this you should've told me,"Harry said nervously playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Hey she already love you Princess..We just need to announce our relationship,"Zayn reassured him.

"Okay zee,"Harry mumbled as he intertwined his fingers with zayn's.

They walk downstairs to the kitchen where zayn's mom was.

"Oh hi Boys,"Trisha smiled as she saw Harry and Zayn.

"Mom..I have something to tell you,"Zayn said hesitantly.

"Go ahead,"Trisha said giving zayn her full attention.

"Well Harry and I are actually dating,"Zayn confessed.

"Oh my god..I'm so happy for you both,"Trisha said pulling them in a hug.

"So you are not disappointed about my liking boys?"Zayn asked.

"Of course not son..I'm so proud of you..Whatever you choose you got my support,"Trisha said.

"I love you mom,"Zayn said as he pull away from the hug.

The rest of the day went by with zayn and Harry hanging out and Harry staying the night.

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