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It was getting dark outside but everyone was still in the pool.Harry and zayn were having a drink and Eleanor was sitting on the edge of the pool.

"Hello everyone,"An unfamiliar voice caught their attention.

"We are from the penthouse right next to you.."The boy said and the penthouse was not actually far from each other,like a few fsteps away.

"I'm Haider by the way,"He introduced and he was standing closer to harry so he was about to shook his hand but the way he was eyeing harry up and down didn't sit right with zayn.

Zayn walk up by Harry's side wrapping his arm around Harry's waist.

"I'm zayn,"He introduced shaking Haider's hand.

"And I'm Gigi,"A blond girl say from behind haider as she walk closer to our penthouse.

"And you are?"Haider ask referring to harry.

"That's my boyfriend..Harry,"Zayn said as he gently rub Harry's side as he was feeling uncomfortable around haider.

"Cute,"Gigi commented eyeing us both.

"Well it was nice meeting you..see you around I guess,"Haider said as he walk back to his penthouse with Gigi following behind.

zayn and harry sat on the edge of the pool putting there feet in the water.

"Boyfriend huh?"Harry teased.

"Are we not boyfriends?"zayn asked.

"I don't remember you asking me to be your boyfriend..last time I checked we were friends,"Harry teased.

"I'm asking now..Harry will you be my boyfriend?"zayn asked looking at harry with so much love.

"Yes,"Harry smiled and blushed as zayn peck his lips.

"Zayn..,"Harry called shyly.

"Yes babe,"Zayn said turning all his attention to him.

"I never thought that you would have been interested in me.."Harry said.

"Harry..I had a crush on you for such a long time harry..It's just that..I had issues with myself and my sexuality that's why I didn't asked you out sooner,"zayn explained.

"You did?"Harry blushed.

"Yes..But every time I tried talking to you..you didn't talk much."Zayn said.

"well you had that bad boy look..so intimidating.."Harry said.

"Aww babe you were scared of me,"zayn teased.

"Was not,"Harry pout.

Zayn lean in and kissed his pout away.

"Can we go inside?"Harry asked.

"Let's go,"Zayn said getting up and helping harry to stand up.

They went inside while their friends was still outside.

"I'm going to take a shower first,"Zayn said as harry sat on the bed.

"Can I join?"Harry joked.

"You're most welcome babes,"Zayn smirked.

"I'm kidding,"Harry said.

"Your loss,"zayn said as he walk into the attached bathroom.

Camping Trip 》Zarryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें