‘Whitt wooo, Check you out sexy lady. Jimmy aint gonna wanna take his greasy mitts off of ya’ I said pretending to dance with her. She laughed and went back into the changing room to change back into her normal clothes. While I was waiting for her my phone vibrated in my pocket indicating that I had a text message, so I pulled my phone out and opened it up to a text from Matt.

‘Can’t wait for tonight x’ I smiled as I reread the text a few times.

‘Neither can I. Even brought a new outfit x’

‘Do tell…. ;) xx’

‘You’ll have to wait and see xx’

‘As I said I can’t wait for tonight and to just see you. G2g tattoo artist back xx’

Everyone who walked by me must have thought I was a right idiot as I stood there grinning to myself. Steph was soon changed and we headed to the checkout to pay for our purchases.

‘I’m paying’ Steph said as she handed the check out girl a card.

‘Don’t be silly Nienie’

‘Well it’s not really me that’s paying.’ I looked at her confused ‘Well I’ve got my own credit card from the band management for being hairstylist, you know getting all the bits. I think you’ll be getting one too’ She said. The girl handed us our bags and we headed down the street to a nail bar where we both had our nails done, and a facial at the beauty salon.

‘I’m starting to get nervous now’ I said to Steph as we got in the car and headed home.

‘Yeah tell me about it. Well when we get in, we’ll grab some wine and all our bits and head upstairs to my room, I’ll do your hair up there. That way we won’t have to see the guys until we are ready’

‘Yeah good thinking’ I smiled turning up the car radio up as Papa Roach Last Resort came on. Me and Steph both happily sang away trying to forget about the nervous feeling in my stomach.

When we got home, everyone appeared to be down in the music room, so we quickly grabbed a few bottles of wine with some glasses, and legged it up to Stephs room as she had her own en-suite, the only one out of all the rooms to have one.

‘So I was thinking, with your hair, we leave side long at the front then go short with the rest?’ She said as she worked her fingers through my messy locks.

‘Go for it, can you put some colour in too? The red is really fading in the sun’

‘Sure no problems’ She said as she got to work. We put on an Iron Maiden CD and moshed out while she dyed and cut my hair. While I was waiting for the dye to take Steph hopped in the shower. When she came out it was my turn to shower and wash the colour out while she did her own hair. I finished and re joined her.

There was movement from in the hallway so we paused the music to be nosey.

‘Zacky where the hell is my aftershave?’ Matts voiced boomed loudly down the stairs.

‘Ahh sorry dude, check my room’ Matt laughed out a puff as he went into Zackys room, then back into the bathroom.

‘Matt seriously hurry up, I gotta use the shower too’ Jimmy yelled banging on the door.

‘Jeesh, shut up man’

‘Yeah Jimmy Boi!’ Steph yelled laughing.

‘make me’ he said trying to open the bedroom door, which we locked when we got in. ‘aww you two are no fun!’ he said as he went and banged on the bathroom door some more. I pressed resume on the CD player as Steph finished styling her hair, she was wearing it brushed back and the long bit over her shoulder with lose curls. The Purple in her hair really stood out. She then styled mine, with the long bit at the front and messed up the shorter bits.

[Matt] I Can Hear The Voices Begging You To Stay [Shadows] AbandonedWhere stories live. Discover now