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.::. FFW To Halloween.::.

‘Luke, help!’ I shouted as I tried to fix a fake cobweb to the top of the bar but I couldn’t quite reach it.

He laughed as he walked over to me, ‘You shouldn’t be such a short arse then you may be able to reach above the table top’ I slapped him on the arm gently laughing at him. ’I’m kidding shorty’ he laughed again.

‘Wow, this looks awesome so far!’

‘Oh finally decided to lend a hand have you Jesse’ I stuck my tongue out at her

‘I’ve been to get more decorations, I told you that when I dropped you off this morning. Plus not to mention I handed out that wad of flyers while I was doing so’

‘Yeah, yeah just get helping will ya’

‘This will help’ Luke said as he walked over to the juke box, pressed a few buttons and out blasted walk with me in hell, by Lamb of god. We looked over to him and pretend to air guitar before moshin around putting some spooky candle skulls on the bar and the remaining decorations we had.

‘So what band do you have booked for tonight?’

‘There’s an underground metal band that Barney knows, called Obscure Remains. They offered to do the gig for us and they sound pretty immense, not to mention slightly gothic which will be perfect for tonight’

‘You got your costume sorted out then boss?’ Jesses asked.

‘Yea I have, Rosie picked it up for me last night’ Rosie is Lukes wife.

‘OOO you’ve not told us what you are going to be coming as’ I asked, hoping he might let slip as he had been very secretive about it up to now.

‘I’m not telling you girls your both just going to have to wait until tonight.’

‘ooowww’ be both said in unison. Luke just laughed.

‘Oh by the way I loved the cocktail list, so I’ve ordered some more supplies in for the night plus I’ve also asked some friends to come and help behind the bar tonight too, so you girls will be able to enjoy yourself too’

‘You’re too good to us’ Jesses said.

‘Well you’re both like kids to me. I’ve know you both what Jesse 3 years and Emz it has to be about 4’

‘Jeesh has it been that long old man’ I jested.

‘Hey less of the old you, midget’ I laughed at his so called come back.

‘isn’t it time for your nap Luke?’ Jesse said joining in with the teasing.

‘That’s it go on both of you, get your butts out of here and go get ready’ he laughed ‘The place seriously looks cool, and I need to go get myself ready’

‘Oh yeah forgot it takes old men ages to get ready’ I cheekily said before me and Jesse ran out of the back door before Luke could catch us.

.::. At Jesses House .::.

I sat back on Jesses bed sipping on a JD and coke listening to Black Sabbaths War Pig, as I waited for Jesse to finish in the shower. I had taken mine before her and was just waiting for my hair to dry.

‘How you doing your hair hun?’ Jesse asked as she stepped out of her ensuite bathroom, rubbing her hair with a towel.

‘Well as it’s short not much I can do with it, I was thinking curling the longer bits and spiking up the short bits, you know kinda messy look’

‘That sounds cool, I think I’m going to just curl mine’ She said as she pulled out her hairdryer. We spent the next 15 minutes styling our hair. We both did our make up which was dark Smokey colours before we decided that it was time to get dressed as we only had an hour to finish of getting ready before we were expected back at the bar.

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