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.::. FFW 4 months .::.

‘She’s a dwelling place for demons,

She’s a cage for every unclean spirit every filthy bird,

And makes us drink the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings,

Fallen now is Babylon the great’

Matt sang the last few lines followed by a short scream as the rest of the bland played until the end.

‘Wooooo!’ Me and Steph both yelled clapping our hands, jumping up from our seat on the couch.

‘So? What did you think of the final version to Beast and the Harlot?’ Johnny asked setting his bass guitar down and grabbing a bottled water.

‘Seriously awesome! I loved it’ I smiled wildly.

‘Well the producing team are just finishing off finalizing a few details on the album, then she is good to go’ Matt said coming to sit next to me, kissing my forehead as he draped an arm across my shoulders.

‘Have you settled on a name for it yet or you all still arguing over it?’ Steph asked.

‘Well we are thinking City of Evil’ Zacky said

‘That sounds perfect’

Steph picked up a copy of the album song list and read out the titles that the boys had finally decided in, this was our first view of the proposed album list:

‘Beast and the Harlot, Burn it Down, Blinded in Chains, Bat Country, Trashed and Scattered, Untitled, Sidewinder, Wicked End, Strength of the World, Betrayed and M.I.A’

‘I still don’t understand why you aint telling me or Steph anything about this Untitled song on the album’ I moaned. The guys didn’t even practice this song when we were about so that they didn’t give any hints at what it was like.

‘As I’ve told you, you’ll see soon enough’ I frowned back at Matt who just grinned cheekily.

‘Hmm, it’s not nice keeping secrets’

‘Call it a surprise then’ He said as he leaned forward and gently kissed my lips

‘We have a meeting with a video crew for the video shoot for Beast and the Harlot in a few days, we want to get it out before the album release. We’ve got some pretty sweet ideas for the video too’ Jimmy said.


‘Yeah, and you girls get your first challenge’

‘Huh?’ I asked slightly confused.

‘Remember, you’re our sexy wardrobe assistant and Steph is our hot hair artist’ Brian said while playing a short tune from his guitar.

‘Ah shit yeah good point dude’

‘Right we already for food? I’m starved.’ We all agreed with Johnny and head out the door to get some food.

.::. FFW a few days .::.

'Nienie' I called out as I climbed up the stairs

'Yuh, wassup' She said from in her bedroom. I opened the door and sat on the end of her bed while she finished straightening her hair.


'Yeah I know that feeling. Its not like we can even go shopping, we haven't got time'

'Mmm I know' I grabbed a bottled of blood red nail polish from her desk and started to apply it to my nails.

'Have you sorted out the guys clothes for the gig tonight?' The guys were playing a show tonight for their fan base to preview the new album before it's release. It was a home town gig and their first live show for the City of Evil. It sold out in a matter of hours.

[Matt] I Can Hear The Voices Begging You To Stay [Shadows] AbandonedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora