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‘Are you sure about this?’ Matt asked and I reply to him with raised eyebrows.

‘OK here we go’ The tattoo artist said as the familiar hum began to sound along with the sharp pain of the needle coming into contact with the skin on my chest. Matt laughed at me as I happily sat there relaxed from the noise not bothering about the stinging sensation. I was having my deathbat tattoo done in purple and black. I had previously sat and watch matt have the start of his arm sleeve done, and while he was having a break it was my turn. The artist worked quickly and it was done within an hour.

‘Wow I love it’ Matt said as the artist cleaned the area up.

‘So do I. Thanks’ I said to the bloke and to Matt as well seeing as though he paid for it for me.

‘No problems. Not lets get my other bad boy done’ Matt grinned.

‘What you having done now?’ I asked as he slipped his shirt off revealing his perfectly toned and muscled body. Surely it should be illegal.

‘My chest piece’

‘Sweet dude’ I said as I swapped seats with him. He laid down as the artist cleaned the area and transferred the picture onto his skin. ‘It’s gonna hurt more than your arm you know’ I laughed as the artist began and Matts face crinkled up a bit as he began to trace the outline. One of Matts hands was resting by his side, so I took it into my own. He turned to look at me smiling before entwining his fingers with mine and gripping my hand, even this friendly touch cause the shivers to race through my body. I seemed to be getting a craving for his touch. His thumb brushed gently over the back of my hand as he just looked at me smiling. ‘Wassup with you’ I teased.

‘Nothing, am I not allowed to look at you?’

‘No, I never said that’ I blushed.

‘Good. Why do you have Carpe Diem, tattooed on your chest’

‘Well when I moved it meant a lot, you know Seize the day or die regretting.’ He nodded before looking back down to the tattoo that was being done on his chest.

Matt had another four hours of work done on his chest and the artist concluded that it was enough for the day. So he cleaned up the area and matt slipped on his shirt again before thanking the guy, paying and booking in for the next sitting.

‘Seriously I am so jealous, they are gonna look awesome when they are done’ I said to Matt as we left the studio with his arm wrapped up in cling film.

‘I’m feeling hungry now. Fancy grabbing a bite to eat? My treat’

‘Yeah sounds good to me, seeing as though no one has bothered to go food shopping at home. And you’re not treating me you just paid for my ink, so I am treating you’

‘Don’t be so silly’

‘What I’ll use some of my car fund, its no biggy’

‘Hmmm, only this once then’ He smiled as we walked into a pub to get some food and a drink before heading home as it was 7pm and we left about 8am this morning. Plus I was due in work at 8:30pm.

‘God I thought you’d got kidnapped’ Steph laughed as I walked into the front room where everyone was sat.

‘Come on, show up the ink then’ Brian said as he got up from the couch coming over to me first to look at my ink then at Matts. Everyone loved them, especially matts.

‘Oh dude, mike called while you were out’ Johnny said to Matt.

‘Oh yeah?’

‘We got the deal for the next album. He wants us to start working on it as soon as possible’ Johnny nearly shouted, as the room erupted in yays.

[Matt] I Can Hear The Voices Begging You To Stay [Shadows] AbandonedWhere stories live. Discover now