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‘Emz, Emz, Emz, Emz’ Came a voice from the other side of my bedroom door interrupting me from my dream where I was off visiting Willie Wonkers chocolate factory.

‘What???’ I flipped open to look at my cell phone to see the time was 9:15, I snapped it shut and tucked it back under my pillow

‘Come on get up!’ Jimmy said as he opened my bedroom door and leapt at me on my bed.

‘Why man!’

‘We got shit to do today.’

‘Like?’ I said as I pushed him onto the floor.

‘Err gig later’ He laughed as he picked himself up off of the floor.

‘Yeah, emphasis on the word later’ I said as I rolled back over pulling the quilts back over my head.

‘You suck!’ Jimmy said, as I raised a middle finger to him, he laughed again before leaving the room and running downstairs singing some random ass song.

11:35, a more realist time to wake up. I headed to the shower, threw on my comfy trousers and a vest tee, did my hair and make up and headed downstairs to see where everyone was hiding. The sound of music gave it away that they were in the games room. I stopped off in the kitchen to make myself a coffee and some toast before heading towards the room.

‘Good afternoon sleepy head’ Brian teased.

‘Hey it’s still morning’ I said as I slumped down on the sofa next to Matt. ‘Morning all’

‘Ooo breakfast thanks!’ Zacky said taking half of my slice of toast. I scowled at him before laughing.

‘Take you had a good sleep’ Matt said as he leaned back on the couch.

‘Mmm hmm I most certainly did. Where’s Jimmy and Steph?’

‘Food shopping. So they say’ Johnny said as he plucked away at his Bass.

‘Yeah like I’ve not heard that one before’

‘Hey, these pair told me you learnt Unholy Confessions yesterday’ I nod in reply to Matts statement ‘Well we’re practicing for tonight, so come on’ He stood up off of the couch and passed me my guitar.


‘Yeah come on’ He said as he walked over to this mic.

‘One, two, one, two, three’ Brian counted us in as we began to play. Matts voice was so much better now than any CD could make out, he watched me play as he sang. When we finished he grinned over to me.

‘Wow that was awesome’

‘Thanks, I’m determined to learn them all’ I smiled.

‘and we’ll teach you’

‘Awww thanks’ I said passing my guitar back to Matt who placed it back on the stand, ‘What time is the show?’

‘We’re leaving about 6pm then we’ll be on for about 8pm. It’s not a full set just a few songs’

‘Sweet I can’t wait. What we doing up until then?’

‘Whatever you fancy as we have no plans’

‘Well one thing I haven’t done in ages. Pool!’ I grin hopping up from the couch and heading up to my bedroom changing into my black skull and cross bones bikini and heading out to the pool. Matt and Johnny were already in there. A familiar dimpled grin appeared on Matts face as I removed the beach towel I had wrapped around myself baring myself in my bikini, showing off my hidden tattoos on my chest, back and body.

[Matt] I Can Hear The Voices Begging You To Stay [Shadows] AbandonedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora