Chapter 28: Party Time

Start from the beginning

"No" Jamie scoffed knowing Fred would boast about making Jamie's legs feel like jelly.  Fred picked up Jamie and he carried her into the bathroom. Jamie was thankful she had a en-suit bathroom, Fred turned on the shower and waited until it was warm then helped Jamie get it. "Are you joining me?" 

"You don't have to ask me twice." Fred smiled and joined in the shower. 

The shower soothed Jamie's muscles. Fred helped wash Jamie's hair and her body and Jamie returned the favour to Fred. Showering with Fred was not a sexual thing it just made Jamie feel like she was closer to Fred.  Once the two were cleaned they got out the shower and got ready for the day, Jamie made sure to dry her hair with  a spell otherwise it would look as wild as Hermione's.


Once everyone had eaten the breakfast thanks to Rhiannon who finished cooking it they two couples just sat on the couch and watched TV as they were waiting for the others to show up so everyone could get ready for tonight's party. 

Not long after the group watched Ginny appeared from the fire place. 

"Hey Gin." Jamie said as she got up from cuddling Fred on the couch. Ginny gave Jamie a big hug. 

"Jamie I missed you. Can't wait for tonight I had to sneak away from hoggy warts. Oh and I did bring my bass."  Ginny said as she turned around. 

"Yay." Jamie smiled. Fred came up and stood behind Jamie.

"Hey sis." Fred said as he wrapped his hands around Jamie's waist.

"Hey bro and please no PDA." Ginny giggled. Fred turned Jamie around and she squealed he then smashed his lips onto Jamie's kissing her. 

"Freddie ." Jamie giggled so did Ginny.

Not long after Ginny's arrival the golden trio arrived. Harry obviously went straight to Ginny  who was in the kitchen and Ron and Hermione joined the others on the couches. 

"Hey guys." Ron said as he sat down. 

"Hey." The rest of us responded at the same time. It was pretty freaky and some of the group let out a chuckle. 

"I can't wait for tonight you guys are going to be so good." Hermione smiled. Her hand was placed over her small baby bump.


It was nearing the time of the party and everyone was getting ready in the bedrooms. Hermione, Rhi and Ginny were all in Jamie's room and the lads in Rhiannon's room. Jamie was packing up the instruments to take to the party. Thankfully it was pretty easy as Hermione had brought her bag with the expansion charm on it. It only took Jamie around thirty minuets to pack away all the things needed to preform. She thought to herself that tonight was going to be good. Once everything was sorted Jamie placed the bad in the living room so it wouldn't be forgotten and went into her bed room. 

"Oh hey girls." Jamie said. 

"Hey." Rhiannon and Hermione said back. 

Ginny of course couldn't keep her mouth closed.  "You room smells of sex." Jamie went a bit red in the face as she had hooked up with her brother earlier this morning. 

But Jamie being Jamie she didn't have boundaries just like Ginny. "well yer that's what happens when you have sex." Rhiannon and Hermione laughed. "We did get a bit sweaty." Now Ginny was red in the face. 

"Just spray some deodorant or something . It will get rid of the smell. It's not even that noticeable." Rhiannon said to Ginny. "Oh by the way was George interrupting you this morning then?" 

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now