Dakota comes running up exactly at 7pm saying he wanted to play a Kahoot! Emilice looks at me kinda mad, but like not bad mad. I look at her and groan she whispers in my ear "see you want it" hell yeah I do it's just hard. We played about 4 games until I couldn't wait anymore we had to kiss we just had to. But Dakota and my mom wouldn't go downstairs so we had to.

"Hey mom we are gonna go watch the 100" I told my mom trying to get out of where they were.

Emilice and I sit on the couch, I couldn't keep eye contact, I was so scared.

"Come on, why are you scared?" she asked me in the softest voice ahhhhh. 

"I don't know, we just both have never kissed anyone before" I tried to look at her but her eyes melted me and I looked away

"Yeah but I've taken notes, with the amount of tv shows you watch you should know more then I do." she isn't wrong.

"Yeah but it's different when it actually happens, I want it to happen it's just ahhh" I just never thought this would actually happen.

Emilice pulled my chin up so I can look in her eyes, I tried not to make eye contact but I did and again her eyes melted my heart into a bunch of mushyness. I pull back and look away. 

"Come on" she pulled my face to face her and pulled my hair behind my ear.

"Crap the tv" thank god! We bursted out laughing we forgot to turn on the tv as a distraction. We put on the 100 and music started playing... I had to let it happen I couldn't keep pulling away. 

Emilice held my chin and kissed me... AHHH What is this fucking feeling I'm so fucking happy but still scared. I smiled and giggled. It wasn't like we were making out it was like 3 seconds, the best 3 seconds of my life.

"Now you gotta kiss me. I'm a Gemini so I'm a switch so you gotta do things sometimes" WHAT!? I CAN'T KISS HER! SHE KISSES LIKE A GODDESS... SHE IS A GODDESS, I probably kiss like a dog.

"Can I just eat your face?" 

"No!" At least I tried

"Fine but you gotta show me how to do it again" I wanted her to kiss me again ahaha I'm so smart.

She laughed "okay" she held my chin again and kissed me again. Ugh if she could do that all night I'd let her but I gotta pull it together and kiss her. 

"Your turn" yeah yeah I know! Ugh this girl drives me insane. 

I took a deep breath and kissed her.

Bleh that sucked 

"I did it better" she said laughing 

"Wow" I paused looked her in the eye "yeah you did"

"It's okay, we can keep practicing and eventually kiss for longer" wtf did she just say. Hell yeah please forever just like us kissing forever. 

"Ahhhh pinch me, this is a freaking dream right?" I ask her 

"So you don't want it to be real?" Oh my lord no!

"It doesn't feel real!"

"Well I'm here and I'm real so it is" ah she was right it was so real!

I lay my head in her lap it's about 740 now and she has to leave in 20 minutes ugh I don't want her to ever leave. I was silently crying I was so happy. I wish I could explain how happy she majes me but there is no word to describe how I'm feeling. 

"Why are you being so quiet?" She asks me

"Because I'm happy" it's true I've never been this happy in my life. I get super quiet around people when I'm happy and smile. I lift my head up look her in the eye and lay on her chest watching the 100 that I completely forgot was on.

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