~Chapter 15: The Execution~

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           Philza was the first to stand up and pulled Y/n onto his back to carry her easily, not before handing her a small glass vial with a pink liquid inside.

"Quick, drink this... We don't have much time now." He sighed. Y/n looked at the vile but could easily assume that it was the medicine he was meant to bring all along. She wasted no time in taking the cork out and downing the liquid, it was bitter at first but soon settled well and there would be hope that Y/n would finally be okay.

"Where are they taking Techno? Who are they? What is all this? Philza... I don't understand." Y/n begged as Philza began to move into the forest and thus they started their journey to wherever they needed to go.

"All I can tell you, Y/n is that Techno's past wraps on longer than anything I can tell you honestly. Months ago the land of L'manburg had a revolution with the government they had and Techno was dragged into it. He could tell you better than I due to how I had yet to move into L'manburg at the time, but he followed through with actions that no side agreed with and they labeled him a traitor and terrorist. He tried to ignore it all, and what he did wasn't wrong but those now in charge want their vengeance. He came out here to get away from it all and he asked for my help, and I knew him for years prior to all of it... Of course, I said yes since he never asked for help with anything. Though it seems that it could have only led him to even bigger issues.

"If he didn't have connections to me and my need to wander back to L'manburg... They wouldn't have begun to question me and thus this wouldn't have happened." Philza sighed, his tone no longer calm as this was even worse a situation than thought of before. Techno was in severe danger, and here Philza and Y/n were. One an older male and the other a clueless amnesiac woman who was currently injured still and ill. What a wonderful duo.

"Then what do we do? Techno's life is in danger!" Y/n worried but Philza made sure she stayed safely on his back as he moved as fast as he could through the woods. It was as if he was fighting against the clock... Time was slowly ticking down for them both, and it was a life on the line in this situation.

"We can only hope we can help him from the shadows. You are in no shape to get into the middle of this mess, let alone this is not your fight to participate in. Neither is it mine... Techno is a strong man. He's fought his own battles before, and I'm certain he wouldn't give in to their power and control that easily. He has something in mind.. Whatever it is. All we can do for now is get you back to my home in L'manburg. There I can keep a close eye on your recovery and they will still see me under house arrest." The angelic man explained, his tone serious but to Y/n it was still fatherly in the sense that it was informative. Their journey continued on, Y/n spending much of her time resting up while Philza carried her. It was uncomfortable after a while but he knew better than to slow down... They just had to make it back to L'manburg before Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, and Ranboo did.


The journey was long and uneventful as the temperature of the land changed effortlessly. The air becoming much clearer and the temperature much more pleasant. Y/n's health was much more stable, enough for her to walk beside Philza as they kept their head low once in the land of L'manburg. Y/n's eyes widened at the larger buildings and the bustling people in the morning sun. Though the look in their eyes was clear as day... Something was going to be happening. They made their business quick and moved from place to place with a purpose.

"They will be back today as well... No doubt they have something planned against Techno to publicly shame him," Philza whispered to the young woman who used him as support as they walked. Y/n looked up to Philza whose eyes were dark in expression as he led the two of them to a much more open and bustling part of L'manburg. They still kept to the sides and moved up a set of steps to a platform the front door to a home. He took a key out of his pocket and opened the door, quickly ushering Y/n in. "Quick, quick. Make yourself at home, lay down there. I need to give you another dose to ensure the illness doesn't come back. We may be here for a while, but there's a balcony we can stand on to see if they come." Philza threw his bag down by the door as he entered his home.

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