~Chapter 5: A Promise to Keep~

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           Y/n let an exasperated sigh pass her lips while she tossed the book given to her carefully to the floor. She had woken up feeling completely fine, Techno getting up and heading downstairs during the early morning woke her initially and she was shocked she never heard him come upstairs last night from his walk. She was left waiting for someone to come back up, whether it was Techno or Philza. Soon the angelic man did come to greet her and bring her food, with it he explained how he planned to go to the village for some errands. Techno would be outside collecting and chopping wood for the fire... And Y/n was still kept on bed rest, Philza's orders.

Granted, the injured woman was given a book to keep herself busy, though she learned a bitter truth about her injuries as she tried to read the book... Her head began to throb and even when she could try to decipher the words, she felt sick to her stomach and struggled with focusing on the words. Her hand reached up and touched the bandages wrapped around her head, no doubt that the injury was the cause of her problem. Clearly, it was not a good time to try picking up a book.

Y/n was now bored out of her mind, subjected to the silence of the cabin as she heard that fire from downstairs crackle with warmth. From outside, a rhythm of cracks and thumps could be heard. Techno was at work chopping up firewood like Philza said he would. As for the angelic older male, Y/n was given no indication when he would be back. This meant she was left alone, and with nothing much else to do.

It was horribly boring, and the young woman was unsure how long she could take just lying in bed waiting for her body to heal. By the time she would be finished healing, she could possibly forget how to walk. It made Y/n panic at just the thought. It wouldn't be hard to just let her body heal naturally as she got used to her usual life again, whatever her usual life even was before this situation. With this in her mind, Y/n threw the blankets on top of her and mentally told prepared herself for what she wanted to do.

With a deep breath, the woman used her good arm mostly to hold her body weight and swing both her legs over the side of the bed. She could finally see what Philza had meant with how badly the damage was. Her right thigh was wrapped up and so was her left calf, each one tingled with a bad sensation. Her nerves screaming in pain and her muscles aching. She hummed as a sign of uncomfortability but she refused to just stop here. She had to push through the pain to be able to recover. She had to have tolerance for the pain... How could she ever expect herself to get better if she didn't?

Y/n took a deep breath and spoke in a soft voice to herself, one seeking comfort,

"Okay... We can do this. It can't be too hard. Just... Stand. On, one... Two... Three." She forced herself to push her body weight up and onto her two feet. The injured parts of her seared up as if on fire, the muscles burning from the action they had not endured for the past few days, and she had to use all her strength to keep from crying out in pain. Instead, Y/n let out an awkward groan. Like one, you would let out when you stubbed your toe or bit your tongue while eating, but this sound held a bit more potential and a bit more pain. Yet she stood, while not completely stable, the broken girl stood.

"Okay, okay... This sucks, a lot. But I did it! Now, just one foot in front of the other. I can do this." She insisted, taking her left leg and shifting it in front of her a bit. Her knees refused to bend as if they were frail and would snap if she tried. Y/n held onto the wall nearby, and as she began to move, she would cling to anything that allowed her so she could keep moving. Soon, she had made it to the ladder and pondered going down.

She took one foot and placed it on the closest wrung, while her calf and thigh were in the worst pain she believed to have ever felt, a part of her insisted to keep going. Something in the back of her mind wanted to get better as fast as possible and to figure out who she truly was even faster. Deep down, it felt like something wasn't complete... Not just herself, but a desire she had. Maybe it was her way of knowing that her mind was still there somehow, knowing she had something she needed to do. When she would remember it, she would possibly gain the rest of her memories back as well. That meant that the only way for her to get her memories back was to get better and to find out what she had left unfinished.

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