~15~ The Gods Love their Pranks, Don't They?

Start from the beginning

"Kyer Halloway?" The matchmakers asked among the crowd. Ruy stood up, remembering the reason he was here.

"I'm sure she is fine. Sounds like she can handle herself." Ruy pulled at the collar of his shirt.

"Have a good day, Grady." Ruy smiled.

"You too, Kyer." Grady responded.

Sophie loved a good fight, but she was really tired of getting thrown onto tables

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Sophie loved a good fight, but she was really tired of getting thrown onto tables. It has happened a least six times in her life, and that is six times too many.

The massive guard growled at her, and she snarled in kind, shaking the table debris out of her hair. She sprinted at him, snatching the pistol off his belt. He tried to snatch her, but she ducked under his hands again and popped up behind him, smacking the hilt of the pistol on the back of his head. He dropped like a stone, leaving Sophie panting. She placed the pistol in the waistband of her pants, triple-checking to make sure the safety was on.

Sophie dragged him by the back of his jacket, shoving him into the hallway closet along with most of the table debris. Maha was already gone, and Sophie sighed, weakly high fiving herself in the form of celebration. She then meandered into the office, where Maha had mesmerized three guards to stand facing the wall, all of them silent and useless until Maha let go of their minds. Sophie huffed, "You couldn't have done that to the guards outside?"

"You had it handled. I can't strain myself either." Maha plainly answered, shifting through the merchant's documents. They arrived in Membe only a few hours after leaving Okoye's island. The ship and their crew lie in wait for them in a nearby cove, staying out of sight. It was quite easy to break into noble man's house; there was no sign of the Nilfa that originally scared Okoye's men away from the land. But there was no sign of the nobleman either, and he was their only real lead.

"Anything?" Sophie asked.

"This guy is super shady, we should've seen him earlier. But no, his ledgers seem too clean. Nothing about the Mirthless or Neverseen at all, not even a foot note. But he has multiple estates, investments, and mroe that require a lot of money that wouldn't generate the proper amount of money needed for any of it." Maha sighed. Sophie took a look at the ledger, Maha stepping away to get another look at the desk. She ran her fingers over the light wood of the desk and hummed in curiosity. Her sapphire eyes snagged on the drawers of the noble's desk.

"I wonder." Maha rounded the desk, sliding open the drawers. She pulled all of the files out of the drawers, feeling around the bottom of the drawer. Then a small click.

Sophie looked up from the ledger, her mouth dropping as Maha pulled out the false panel on the bottom of the drawer to grab documents.

"How did you know that?" Sophie gasped.

"When I was spending time in the temple in Avrima, one of my fathers noticed that the donations meant to go to me were going missing. Since I was "A child of a God," the donations were meant to make sure I had the best clothes and luxuries in life, worthy of the gods. So it was a big deal when they went missing." Maha hauled the hidden documents onto the desk, smiling at Sophie.

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