02;; those who fell mustn't speak of heaven

Start from the beginning

He felt his stomach sink when he glanced to the counter, just to see how Yoongi was doing, but instead of just Yoongi, a short girl stood beside him, hair cut into a black bob, clearly one of Yoongi's hoodies covering her frame and a beautiful smile on her face as Yoongi wrapped an arm around her waist.

Of course. Yoongi wasn't into guys like Jungkook was. He felt disgusting for even thinking that Yoongi could be like him. He was his childhood friend, what was he even thinking? That he had a chance? Highly unlikely. Jungkook was just Jungkook to Yoongi. Nothing more and nothing less. He was simply;

"Jungkook, one of my oldest friends," Yoongi joked, Jungkook jerking his head up. How long had he been staring at the table? Usually the younger would've swooned at the thought of Yoongi giggling, but when a girl's giggled followed, he only felt despair and heartbreak.

Friends. The word suddenly felt bitter in Jungkook's mouth. Had he ever introduced Yoongi as his friend? Maybe when he was younger, but as he slowly thought about it, he had never introduced Yoongi as a friend, maybe simply saying his name allowing Yoongi to introduce himself. He was delusional, and his head was pounding.

"This is So-dam. My girlfriend."

Jungkook didn't need to hear anymore, his stomach already lurching as he quickly stood up, running to the restroom, Yoongi calling after him. He hurled, just making it to the toilet basin as he emptied his stomach contents, breathing out heavily. He definitely had a migraine, his head ringing and eyes burning. It was hard to focus on anything as he gripped his forehead.

The door creaked open as Jungkook cursed, of course Yoongi would follow him inside, he was such a good friend. Why wouldn't he? Instead a softer voice called out, one Jungkook hadn't reconsigned before.

"Hey? Are you okay?" It called out. Jungkook whimpered slightly. He was scared, scared that the stranger was going to approach him. It wasn't like he could easily ignore him whilst hunched over the toilet. And if fate wasn't on his side, it certainly wasn't now as he threw up again, the stranger pushing the cubicle door open. "Do you need anything?"

Jungkook glanced up, the stranger smiling gently. It was - comforting he supposed. A soft heart curved round with soft almond eyes. He had bright orange hair too, clearly sticking out like a sore thumb. "Sorry, I'm Hoseok," The younger nodded, leaning back against the side of cubicle. "Here,"

A glass of water. He stared at it a little intensely. His mother made him promise. He'd been doing well for seventeen years. Was he really going to ruin everything now? But as he looked up at Hoseok's face; he really did look harmless, flushed cheeks and a pretty glint in his eyes.

"I haven't done anything to it, if that's what you're worried about," He nudged the glass forward as Jungkook shakily took it, nodding his head in thanks. He would speak but it felt like the stomach acid had burnt his oesophagus so he stuck to a mere nod. "Your friend was worried but I promised I would take care of you,"

Creepy. Jungkook thought momentarily. But the thought soon disappeared as he took a sip from the cool glass, almost moaning at the cold liquid soothing his throat.

"I'm Jungkook,"

Hoseok smiled in appreciation, nodding his head. "I know," Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "Your friend told me," He gestured to the bathroom door. "He was going to come but his girlfriend has a fear of sick or something,"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. It hadn't even been a day since he'd met the girl and she was already taking over their friendship. But he appreciated the strangers help more than he let on, passing the empty glass back to Hoseok as he held his hand out, Jungkook slipping his fingers through the others, allowing himself to be pulled up.

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