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Don't trust anyone.


"Welcome everyone to the show!" Everyone's attention was on the blonde in the middle of the big stage, their eyes locked on him, some looked at him with admiration and happiness while others looked at him with hatred and anger.

Depending on which side you're on, things change.

Depending from who's eyes you're looking from, things change.

Depending on what you think, things change.

Clapping came from the crowd as they watched the now masked blonde move around the stage, walking slowly on circles as he adjusted the smiley mask he was wearing, covering his whole face "I'm glad that most of the clubs could make it here in one piece." His tone changed as he glared at some of the separated groups in the room even though they couldn't see it, they could feel it only with his tone and movements "but moving on!" He clapped one time before talking again.

"I hope that everyone's okay this year, and me as the leader of the club that won the last year, the Sports Club, i'll be the one representing the whole school! there's going to be some little changes with the main building's lock downs since all of you know that it's PROHIBITED to go in while we're in one of those." he looked at his side, the cheerleaders club was still getting prepared "almost all of you know what happens when we're in those situations and i need to address something now that everyone's here"

"We have those lock downs for a reason." he looked at the people in the back, noticing atleast 2 or 3 people with a black eye or red marks on their faces "and it's because we just can't let anyone in. Does anyone know why!??" he yelled this time.

Everybody stood silent.

He sighed and continued talking "fine. Now let the show begin" he walked out of the stage, his tone sounded cold this time, letting the other club take over and start their part in the show.

Has he got to the back stage he was going to look for Techno when he saw Ranboo, standing alone by himself.

"Hey Ranboo, what are you doing here-? you should be with Techno-"

"H- he left for something.." the taller stuttered, he sounded nervous.

"The music club goes next alright? when he comes back tell him that he has to be prepared to get on stage-"

"A- alright.."

"Do you want me to stay here darling? I can stay until he comes back" Ranboo was like a lost kid, looking for his mom in the store, being too dependent from the pinkette could hurt him on the future and he knew that, getting too attached to something can bring consequences like this, not being able to be calm without other person. This was a problem he's always had, the pinkette knew too, but he couldn't just leave like their friendship was nothing, he got attached to the taller too even though he would never admit it to anyone that wasn't Ranboo.
The only thing Dream could do was atleast trying to help him, right?

"I- i.. i can wait for him myself, thanks for a- asking"

"Alright?" he walked away when he saw a lot of people walking on his direction, walking past him and pushing him out of the way, acting like they didn't see him. They were the cheerleaders club, they just finished their part.. wait-

"Where the fuck is the music club!?" he yelled, the people around him looking around as if they were looking for the music club as some whispered to eachother, great. Just great. If they didn't find Techno in time then the club would be disqualified, he couldn't let that happen, not when Wilbur is in that club.
Normally the first clubs that get disqualified get more trash from others, more insults, more abuse, when the clubs aren't strong enough to stay for the festival the school stops caring about them and focuses on their top students and clubs, which meant that they wouldn't get in the way if someone decided to beat the shit out of someone in the worst club.

He knew what it was like.

"I- i'm here!" he heard someone behind him, immediately knowing who it was.

"Techno! You gotta get out there fucking now. If you don't get on stage right now you'll be disqualified!" he yelled as he took him by the arm and dragged him to the side of the stage.

"Wait where's Ranboo-?"

"In the back stage, there's no time for being clingy right now so bring your fucking ass to that motherfucking stage and do what you have to do before they disqualify you."


i also wanted to share the book "Home Is Where The Heart Resides" because it's really underrated and it's so fucking good like- bro, w o w

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

i also wanted to share the book "Home Is Where The Heart Resides" because it's really underrated and it's so fucking good like- bro, w o w. Dreambur but like at another level because it doesn't just focus on the ship, it also has a really good storyline and it's just .

It's from HneloThurrr i really recommend it, it's really good and the writing it's perfect, give her some support!

i might post some fanart of that book- who knows?

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