Chapter❷⓪¿ b

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Don't trust.


"So, why are we here-?"

"I want you to meet someone" she knocked on a big door, after a few seconds it opened.

"Hello Niki!" a boy with brown hair said "what brings you here?"

"i wanted you to meet Wilbur, he's new and also a friend of mine, can we come in?"

"of course!" he hugged her and then pulled away, looking at the musician "My name is Eret, nice meeting you!"

"i- i'm Wilbur.."

"Don't worry, i don't bite! come inside" they walked inside the room, there wasn't many people there, among them was someone with beanie too, a blonde and a girl with curly hair "welcome to the Politics club!"

"Oh.. i didn't know this club existed-"

"You're from the music club aren't you?"

"yes i am-"

"Nice! Niki has told me some things about you, you seem like a nice person, how have you survived so long in this school without just leaving the fuck away?"

"i- don't know???"

"Well, i offer an alliance of some sort, we have the cooking club by our side but i don't think they like your club.. at all- so, if they ever plan something i can warn you, all of the clubs tend to do this a lot when the festival is near so we can make it to the festival, there's a lot of.. betrayal.. but! that's why you don't trust anyone.." he paused a bit, his voice going a bit lower and deeper "and i mean anyone."

"Eret stop scaring him!"

"Sorry~!" he chuckled a bit "oh wait- if you're in the music club that means you've talked with Fundy right? he's such a sweet guy isn't he?" his cheeks were a faint pink "a- anyways- there's been some trouble going around with the science club now so we've been busy but hey, you're always welcomed here!"

"Well, i can introduce some people right?" Niki said, grabbing Wilbur's arm gently.

"Of course! i'll be right back, i need to do something right now so i guess i'll see ya later! please Niki don't let them start another debate about waffles and pancakes-"

The girl chuckled "noted!" they watched as he left the room "Puffy!"

"Hey Niki!" the girl stood up and went to hug her "who is this?"

"This is Wilbur, he's a friend of mine, he's from the music club"

"oh then nice meeting you!"


"Quackity i swear to god-"

"Eyyy man, do you want some drugs?" he said jokingly "the other day we fought over if drugs should be legalized in Mexico or not" he got slapped in the head by the blonde behind him.

"Quackity stop- i'm sorry, he's just an idiot, i'm Punz"

"so many new people- my social skills aren't enough for this shit-"

"Don't worry Wilbur, i'm pretty sure you'll get along"

"Well, wanna talk about pancakes?"

"who the fuck likes pancakes? waffles are better!"



"This is what we're going to do ne-" the door slammed open, a certain pinkette standing in the door frame "hey what's you problem!"

"I'm sorry, i need to talk with someone"

"It's been a long time since you've been here Technoblade" they looked at the bottom of the room, someone was standing there with a few papers in hand.

"i know.. but i need help-"

"That's what you said last time you know that? I remember perfectly that day.. you promised you would keep him safe. And look at what happened"


"You can come in" he walked inside the room, glaring at the boy that yelled at him before and then looking back at the tall figure "what do you need and what do you offer?"

"We want to take down the news club"

"oh, really? about time"

"please, George and Tubbo are after my friends and-"

"i though you gave up on "friends" after what happened with Skeppy, you were alone for 2 long years and now you have friends? i didn't expect that from you honestly"

"I know you want to take down the news club, i can see it, let me help you while helping me, we have something in common and it's that- they took someone from us, they took your boyfriend while they took my best friend. Please.."


"i know you want to.."


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