"Your car is ready sir."

Blaine looks back at Andy while Andy looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Where are you going, we just got home."

"I know love, but it's just going to be a couple of hours."

Andy knew not to ask anymore questions and nods at him, turning around and putting the bag down.

"I'll be right there."

Blaine waits until his guard is gone and pulls Andy back into his arms.

"Hey, don't be mad."

He lifts her chin up and smiles down at her.

"I'm not, it's work. I know, I just... I just miss it that's all."

"I know you do, but we're doing better than ever and for right now it's best if you just stay home."

Andy nods and gives him a kiss.

"Be careful. I'll see you when I see you then."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I promise, four hours tops."


She knew better, if she knew what kind of meeting it was going to be, he'd be back late at night."

"I'll see you later."

They kiss one more time and he leaves with all the guys. Watching them all getting into the SUVs, she sighs and goes upstairs to look for her kids. Walking into Mady's room, she sees her watching a movie.

"Hey, there you are."

Mady looks up at her mother and smiles but goes back to her movie.

"You hungry? Want a snack?"

Andy looked down at her watch and new that she would probably be, but Mady shook her head and Andy knew she was too tired, so he gave her a kiss and let her be.

"Love you."

"Love you too mommy."

She made her way to the next room and found her nursery finished. She smiled and went to the cribs but didn't find her kids. She frowned and went to Mady's room but found her sound asleep. She made her way to the next room, nothing and next, nothing again. Her heart started to panic until she heard one. She turned and went towards the cry when she went into her and Blaine's room to find two bassinets beside their bed. She sighs in relief and goes to her baby boy who was trying to get out of his swaddle.

With a smile she takes him and takes him out. She goes ahead and attends to him and then her daughter. Once they were fed, changed, and burped, she lays then down with her and falls asleep with her phone in her hand.

Blaine came home sooner than expected and pulled up to find that Andy had been asleep since he's been gone.

"Have any of you checked on her?"

"No, you specifically requested that we didn't enter your bedroom."

Then the thought of the last time he left her sleep came to mind and he ran. Running up to their bedroom, he finds Andy sitting up with his daughter.

Andy looks up at him and smiles, looking down at the clock.

"You're home early."

Blaine nods his head and walks over to her.

"Yeah your dad wrapped it up sooner because he knew I wanted to come home."

Andy smiles, but she knew something was up.

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