"Please don't call me without '-san' in public, Haiji-san. We made a deal yesterday right?", I said bitterly while glaring at his smiling face.

"You sure? Your heart is fluttering when I call your name just now, right? Also...", Haiji's voice trailed as he grabbed my left wrist, catching me off guard. "This, you properly put this ring on which means that I act according to the deal. 'Free to do anything you want if I wear the ring' is what you said yesterday (Y/N)", he spelled out my name one by one with an amused grin. I was lost for words as he got me all in the right points. True, I said that but that was because I had no choice! Haiji is way too smart with words that I cannot rebut in the right way. Biting my lips in frustration, I averted my head to the side.

"I-it can't be helped, I lose the match you know...", I grumbled with a blush appearing on my cheeks out of embarrassment. From the corner of my eyes, Haiji is chuckling at the response he got. "Geez, this talk ends here! So, did you bring the mochi?", I asked after regaining my composure, turning back to face Haiji.

"Yeah, don't worry. Musa and Shindou are taking the table out. Oh, there they are", as soon as he said that, two figures of different height walked out of the wooden dormitory while carefully lifting the table, placing it a few metres in front of the dorm. It seems neither one of them noticed me as Musa's tall figure is practically shielding me from Shindou's view. I walk away from Haiji and head towards them.

"Good work Musa-san, Shindou-san", I pat Musa's back as I reveal myself from behind. A smile laced my face. They look at me, surprised for a moment before revealing a wide smile.

"(Y/N)-san, it's been a while!", Shindou said with his bright smile. I giggle slightly at his excited tone.

"When did you arrive? How have you been (Y/N)-san?", Musa asked me in a pure happy tone. His japanese has become better than before, I admit.

"Just now. Things have been doing great, I'm going to handle the newbie this spring. So, where are the others?", I whipped my head side to side to search for any sign of the other guys.

"Nico-chan Senpai and Yuki-san are out buying the drinks. King-san said he'll arrive soon. Ah- looks like they come right on time", Shindou said as his glance shifted to the view behind me. Following his gaze, I see the three familiar figures of the oldest member of Aotake chatting as they walk into the area, carrying plastic bags containing the drinks and some snacks they had brought. Yuki is the first one to notice my presence as his eyes glance towards us.

"Yo (Y/N)-san!", Yuki lifted up his free hand in a greeting manner, a smile adorned on his face. King and Nico-chan also shift their gaze at the mention of my name, only to meet my grinning figure, waving at them in front of the dorm.

"Yo guys, I see you have changed your style except King-san though", I laughed at the end as I examined their new looks. Yuki still has his pair of spectacle with a different style of hair, still radiating his cool and smart aura. Nico-chan's hair is shorter and he looks even more mature than before, not like the old-man I pictured him to be in the past three years. As for King-san... well, we could say that he is still the same King we know back there.

"Hey, what do you mean by that! I did change too you know. Look, my fashion style is better than before", King pointed his thumb on his clothes, a smug grin appeared on his face. I let out an amused chuckle at his replies, admitting his self-praise. Yeah, I'm glad that King is still the same boastful person he is.

"You guys sure are loud, I could hear all the way inside the house", a voice interrupted as we turned to face the owner of the sighing voice. My eyes lit brightly as Ouji's figure walked while carrying a bowl of food with both hands.

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