"Alright you two stop!"

She made Austin and Shiloh stop and look at her. Austin of course runs up, but she pushes him away.

"You shouldn't be up."

"Oh, like that's the problem here."

Shiloh went up to her and tried to touch her, to help her, but she pulled away.

"I'm fine."

"You need to be in bed."

"No what I need to do is go home, wherever that is."

"What no!"

Andy let out a breath and looked up at Austin looking like it was a bigger deal than it was.

"Yes, because you two haven't stopped fighting since I came here and I'm sure it's because of me."

Austin looks at Shiloh and so does Andy

"I know you don't like me, it's very apparent when you speak to me, so I'm going to do all of us a favor and leave."

"You shouldn't be traveling."

"Well you shouldn't be keeping our kids apart, but you still do it."


Austin went to grab Shiloh, but Andy stopped him.

"Don't start."

He pulls away but doesn't stop glaring at Shiloh.

"Shiloh explain yourself."

When she didn't say anything, Andy shakes her head and looks at Austin.

"I'm taking Mady if that's okay."

"Wait, hold on a sec. First, you're not going anywhere and second..."

He looks at Shiloh.

"What the fuck is with you keeping the kids apart?! They are brother and sister!"


"They're my children, my blood so, don't start with that shit. See, this is why I don't even want to be near you because of petty shit like this!"


Then he turns to Andy.

"And you, why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Really? So, you can act like this? You know Shiloh doesn't like me..."

"That's not true..."

Andy then looks at her.

"Really because last time I checked; I should be the one not liking you."

"Austin chose me. We fell in love, I'm sorry, okay?"

"Really, then why are you mad at me? Last time I check you married him and had his child while I was missing. I didn't stop you and I sure as hell didn't try to get in between you two. I'm only here because I can't go anywhere, that's it. If Nate or my brother want my advice, then I give it. You don't like it, that's on you, but what's between you two is on you two. You guys can't keep doing this, it's not healthy and the kids can hear you."

Austin and Shiloh looked at each other both knowing that they've been acting like children

"I just wanted to go out."

"I'm sorry."

"Good, now go make up or something."

Shiloh smiled and went into Austin's arms.

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