Blaine pulls Andy closer to him and kisses her shoulder.

"As long as my baby is happy."

Andy laughs, shaking her head.

"Stop it."

It hurt Austin to see Andy this happy because that should have been him.

"As long as you're cooking, I'm going."

"But you said you wanted to have dinner at our house?"

"Oh come on Shiloh just go. Right Austin?"

"Right, we'll be there."


The night before thanksgiving Blaine took Andy on a mini drive after Andy had been in the kitchen all morning and afternoon making pies and getting the turkey ready with her sister and step mother, that he wanted to have a quiet time with her before everyone was over the next day.

"Where are we going?"

"Just for a drive."

"Does this drive end up somewhere dark?"

Blaine bites his lip as her hand creeps up his leg.


"Good, I've missed you all day."

"Hard when you have a house full of people, ha?"

Andy agrees as they drive into the city, ending up at their apartment.

"I thought we were going to dinner?"

"We are, I just want to get something I left here."


They head into the elevator and Blaine pulls her against him.

"I'm very happy Andy, the happiest I've been in a very long time."

Andy smiles up at him with her signature smile and Blaine resists until the door dings opened and Andy turns around to see tea lights and white roses everywhere.

"Oh my god."

"Follow the path."

Andy looks back at him and starts crying as she turns back around and heads towards the path.

"Oh my god Blaine."

He follows behind her until she's in their bedroom and it's then that she sees it. On their bed, in her favorite chocolates was "will you marry me?"


She turns to see Blaine on his knee and Andy covers her face as she cries. She couldn't believe what was going on. Never in her wildest dreams would she have guessed that she would get something like this.

"Baby I love you, more than life itself. You have given me my life back and I can't, I don't want to give it back because that means giving you up and you know me, I'm not willing to do that."

Blaine pulls her down onto his knee and pulls her hands away.

"I want to be your home, your forever."

"You are."

"Will you marry me Andy, make me your forever, your home?"

Andy didn't have to hesitate, she knew she would be with this man for the rest of her life.

"Yes, a million times yes!"

Andy didn't care about the ring, the gesture and the confession of love was more important to her than any ring in the world.

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