"You've been the only one, will always be the only one."

"And where was this a year ago, two years ago? Austin stop thinking about yourself for once and just look around you. Keep this up and you won't have anyone in your life. Go back to Shiloh she needs you, do the things you couldn't do with me with her. She's your wife and she's having your baby. Have a life Austin, a good one with the woman that loves you for who you are not for what you could be for her."

"But she's not who I want. Andy it's you."

Andy shakes her head and backs away from him as he goes after her.

"No! Stop it!"

"No you stop it! You know that you belong with me! I'm the only one who's ever loved you, the one that knows all of your secrets, your fears and what you love. I have been there."

"Yeah you do and you have, but you weren't there when I needed you the most. You weren't there when we were okay, when we finally got back together and decided to get married, you instead threw me out over the phone. When you should have owned up to what was happening and you know what I would have stuck by you because I loved you."

"I couldn't."

"Of course because again, it's all about YOU! All those times it was for your guilt but the minute I was all better again, you were right back to being you. I never had a chance, but you've given one to Shiloh, so be with her! I just want my daughter to be with me."

"Then be with us!"

Andy was tired, she knew this was going to be pointless, but she thought she could talk to him.

"Forget it Austin, I'll wait."

"You'll lose."

"Not this time, not this time."

Andy grabs her purse then and walks out of the room.

Blaine had been calling Andy all morning, but she wasn't picking up.

"Andy call me back!"

It was then that Andy came in.

"Where have you been?"

Andy drops her purse and sits on the couch, looking up at him.

"It's time to go home, Austin isn't giving her back."

"You went to see him?"

She nodded, letting the tears finally coming out.

"He's determined to use her against me."

"He wants you back and he knows that you'll go back if it means getting Mady back."

"But he shouldn't have to use her, she's just a baby."

"Are you going back?"

Andy shakes her head.

"Of course not, I'm happy with you. For once I feel like I have someone who's there with me and not a foot outside the door."

Blaine sits next to her and pulls her onto his lap.

"That's because we love each other and when two people love each other there's nothing that will pull them apart."

"Just Austin."

"Not even him. We'll go home, come back and we'll get her back, I promise."

"I love you."

Blaine looks down at her and kisses her.

"I love you too. We'll get through this and in the meantime I'm going to lock you in our room for the rest of the weekend."

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