Andy smirked.



She laughed. Andy doesn't remember him being this charming before and making her laugh this much.

"Sorry, eyes forward."


Austin winked at her, making Andy blush.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?"

"I believe you did, but I don't remember."

"I'll make sure to remind you then."

Throughout dinner both Austin and Andy spoke about everything including things they've never shared with anyone before. Andy learned more in those two hours than she ever did in the year that she had known him and they were similar in so many ways, but yet different. They wanted the same things, they worked hard for what they had and they loved their families just the same, but they were raised differently. Austin didn't have his parents when he was growing up as opposed to Andy who had them.

"What was your mom like?"

Austin smiled, looking down at his wine glass.

"She was amazing. She was a lot like you, kind, loving and always thought about everyone instead of herself. She used to tell me to never be afraid, to try everything at least once and if you really want it..."

He looked up at Andy then.

"... to keep trying over and over again until you succeed."

"She was a wise woman."

"The wisest. It's why I haven't given up and I'm not going to. I strongly believe you and I were meant for one another Andy."

Andy looked up at him as he took her hand in his.

"I know that things went a different way than expected between us and that we've both did things we thought were the right things to do, but even then look at us. We just can't stay away from each other."

Andy smiled then.

"You mean you can't stay away?"

"You too missy, especially lately."

Andy's smile disappeared.

"No, no sad face. I was just saying that because as much as you don't want to admit it, you need me as much as I need you. We're happiest when we're together."

"But you want a family and I can't..."

"Andy you're my family, that's it and there are thousands of children that need homes."

"You're willing?"

Austin stood up and knelt down beside her.

"Of course. Andy, I love you, no matter what and as long as I can make you happy then I'll be happy."

Andy couldn't help the tears that were forming in her eyes, but they were tears of joy.

"Just give me one more chance and I promise you that I'll love you, take care of you and make you fall in love with me until it hurts."

"It hurts now."

Austin smiled and kissed her, standing them both up. The restaurant rang out in applause as they kissed.

"You can... stop... me... anytime you want."

Andy deepened their kiss and pushed him onto his back, rubbing herself against the bulge that was desperately trying to get out of his slacks.

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