Suddenly Carlos backhanded Andy making her fall against the bed and then proceeded to "teach" her a lesson in respecting her husband and not questioning him about what he does or doesn't do.

Austin hadn't heard anything from Andy that night and the next morning his worry grew when he found out that they had left the hotel that very same morning.

He decided he was going to confront Carlos, but was only found with Cindy cleaning his furniture.

"At least you have the decency to clean it off after what you and he did yesterday."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Andy saw you and Carlos on that very same couch yesterday during let's say around twelve thirty?"

Cindy stood up then, looking up at him.

"Oh you remember now, good because I made sure to get some pictures for grandfather to see."

Cindy was about to open her mouth but Austin shook his head.

"I suggest staying quiet or we wouldn't want Carlos to find out that the picture of that little boy on your desk is his."


"It's obvious, you're not married. No one has ever seen you with anyone. He's exactly that same age since Carlos was sent to prison and he looks like him, I'm just surprised he hasn't put two and two together."

Cindy looked away.

"He always told me he never wanted kids and so I never told him."

"What about the kid, does he know who his father is?"

"Yes, but he only knows him through pictures, that's all. I told him he was dead."

"Of course you would because if Carlos found out that you had one, he'd take him away from you."

Cindy snapped her head up to look at Austin.

"You can't tell him."

"Then tell me where he is."


"Where in Jersey?"

"I don't know, but he's been working on a specific house there, so I'm guessing that's where they went."


Cindy walked out to her desk and handed Austin a file.

Carlos didn't have to tell Andy where they were going, Andy could already see from just looking at the streets and landmarks she's known all her life.

"I've got a surprise for you."

When they arrived, she looked up to see the home she grew up in and lived until last year.

"What are we doing here?"

"Come and see."

Carlos got out of the car and went around, opening her door.


Andy wanted to roll her eyes at him, but she knew it would make him angry again, so she allowed him to help her out. They walked up the steps and opened the door.

"Go on in; let me know what you think."

She could automatically see the inside had been completely renovated, making it as if it was a brand new house.

"Andy go."

Reluctantly she set foot inside and tried to keep the tears in as she walked around it. He had changed the entire interior of it to look more modern instead of the old fashion feel it had before. It didn't feel like home anymore to Andy and she felt it. The warmth she felt before was replaced by cold and she hated it.

Feels Like HomeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora