"I know what I said but you could have at least..."

"No Vivian, this is not my fault, I didn't cause this."

"Vivian leave her alone."

When she heard his voice she turned and went up to the bed, looking down at him.


"Don't listen to her."

Andy shook her head as tears started streaming down her face.

"I'm not."

"Good don't."

"How are you feeling?"

He reached for her hand and pulled Andy a little more towards him.

"I feel better now that you're here."

Andy squeezed his hand and gave him a kiss on his forehead as Austin's wife came running in, pushing her away.

"I came as soon as I could, how are you feeling?"


Austin looked at Andy, but she looked away, walking out and leaned against the wall.


Leo wrapped his arm around her and brought her into his arms. It was then that she cried, wrapping her arms around her brother, but it didn't last very long before she pulled away and left. She knew staying there any longer would hurt more, so she went home.

As soon as she was in her apartment though, she was yanked in and thrown onto her couch.

"Where were you?!"

Andy looked up to see Carlos pissed off and pacing in front of her.

"The hospital."

Carlos then stopped, sitting in front of her, on her coffee table.

"What were you doing at the hospital?"

"Leo called me, there was an accident."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You passed out and you hate it when I wake you up, so I just left."

"How did you get there?"

"In a cab."

Carlos then got up and huffed, letting out the breath he was holding. He had expected her to be next to him, but when he woke up this morning his bed was empty and no one knew where she had gone.

"Next time wake me up, you scared me."

Carlos went to take her hand, but Andy got up instead.

"I have to get to work. I promise to let you know next time, but I think right now you should go."

"Take the day off. You know you don't have to work with me."

"I want to work, I love what I do."

"But you don't have to. In fact once you're my wife, you'll have to stop because you'll be traveling with me."

Andy laughed, shaking her head.

"God, you still think I'm that little girl you met all those years ago, don't you?"

"Of course not, but you're still just as beautiful."

Carlos again tried to touch Andy, but she pulled away.

"Stop, I don't want you touching me and I really don't want to do this right now. I have to get to work."

She then went to her bedroom, locking the door.

Feels Like HomeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz