"Then okay. Well I have to get back, be careful alright?"

"Just as long as you're there waiting for me."

"With opened arms."

"Legs too?"


"Don't worry your brother is still in the restroom. Now will you."

"If you're a good boy."

"Baby... okay, we're leaving, bye love."

"Bye, be careful."

She threw him a kiss and hung up, turning around to find Austin standing there.

"Shit, Austin."

"What no I love you?"

Andy rolled her eyes and went to step to the side, but Austin was right there to stop her.

"Austin, seriously, stop it."

"Why did it have to be him?"

"What do you mean him?"

"Vincent! Out of all the people, you had to pick him?"

"What are you talking about, he was a random guy."

"Random enough that he's your boss?"

"So what? It's not like we flaunt it everywhere."

"I thought you were different."

Andy laughed, shaking her head and she knew her bitchy side was about on edge at this point.

"Funny I thought the same thing, but like all things Austin, they're all fake like that damn hurt face you have on. You don't care that's he's a doctor or that he makes me happy. No you care that I'm not locking myself in my apartment crying for you."

"It's better than you going out there and whoring yourself around!"

Andy slapped him then, she was seriously pissed now.

"Go to hell Austin, you've officially crossed the line."

She shoved him to the side and went inside.

"There you are, did you talk to them?"

"Yeah they're on their way."

Vivian could see Andy was upset and when her brother walked in sporting a very noticeable red mark on the side of his face she knew.

"You alright?"

Andy nodded, but she was shaking at how upset she was.

"Go upstairs I'll let you know when they're here."

She didn't have to ask her twice, Andy excused herself and ran up to the room that once was hers, sitting on the bed and taking deep breaths. The last thing she wanted to do was cry, but it was inevitable. He had hurt her with his thoughts of her. She wasn't a whore, she waited until the divorce was erased and even then she waited.

Looking up she closed her eyes and prayed. She prayed for forgiveness if she had done something wrong by trying to move on. She prayed for strength and healing of her heart.

"You love him."

Andy turned towards the door to see Austin's son.

"I'm sorry?"

"You love Austin, my father. I saw you talking to him and when you hit him. You didn't deserve to spoken to that way."

Andy shook her head, looking down.

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