"We needed to talk."


"I'm not signing the divorce papers."

Vivian sighed, shaking her head.

"Austin, you can't do this to her, it's not fair."

"No, what's not fair is that you didn't tell me what she was planning on doing."

"And you were going to do what?"

"Stop her, convince her to wait."

"Wait, for what? You're married Austin, let her find someone else."

"No! She's mine and I made sure she knew."

"What do you mean? Austin, what did you do?"

"I made her mine; she had to know who she belongs too."

"Oh Austin."

"She loves me and as soon as I fix this, we can be together. She's the only woman for me Viv, that's it."

"Well you should have thought about that before announcing your marriage to someone else. You could have just announced Andy and married her anyway while you fixed it."

"I know!"

"Leave her alone Austin, I'm serious, leave her alone."

"Not when there's a possibility that she can be mines again."

"She's not, so forget it and leave her alone, I'm serious Austin or I'm calling Grandfather."

"Leave him out of this."

"Then you leave Andy alone, got it?"

Vivian hung up on him and decided she needed to talk to Andy and let her know somethings.

Andy was still sleeping when Vivian shook her awake.

"Andy, wake up."

"Hmmmm, what are you doing here?"

"Here take this."

Andy looked into her hand and saw a pill.

"What is it?"

"The day after pill, Austin just told me what happened and if I'm right you or he weren't thinking, so take it."

Andy got up and took the pill with the glass of water.

"The last thing you need is a baby right now."

Andy agreed, nodding her head and lying back down.

"Don't believe anything he tells you, there is no way he can get out of that marriage. There are things that you don't know."

Andy looked at her.

"Like what?"

"Austin didn't try to get out the marriage like he said he did; there was no way for him too. The night Austin decided to marry her, our grandfather found out and was furious because he was deceiving tradition. Well story short, after our parents died he paid her to tell Austin she didn't love him and thus it was easier for him to come to the states. What Grandfather didn't expect was for her to come back with the marriage certificate in hand demanding her rights."

"But they were under age."

"Doesn't matter, they consummated the marriage. Andy... Austin has a fourteen year old son. I'm sorry Andy, but I can't let him make you think that there's a chance when there isn't."

Andy nodded, sitting up again.

"Thanks for letting me know."

"You deserve someone better, trust me."

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