"I'm the wedding planner, Mia."

Andy smiled and took her hand, shaking it.

"Nice to meet you."

"We've set up a space for us to sit and go over some details, shall we?"

"Of course, after you."

Andy was led into a large room and they sat down where they went over details from flowers to what she was going to wear. Andy had no say so as to what they were doing, it was more of informing her of things and she just nodded her head and pretended she cared, she didn't. Her mind was wondering why Austin wasn't with them and why he had shown up and had not said hi to her.

"Well that's all. All we have to do is have the dress fitting if you have time..."

"Yes, of course."


They walked out of the room and Austin still on the phone, this time he looked up and locked eyes with Andy. She waited for something, but he turned back around and started talking in his native language.

"Men never get involved and he's been gone far too long, it's normal."

Andy smiled and looked away, letting out the breath she held on.

At least Vivian showed up to her dress fitting with the baby and it was then that Andy smiled and her natural personality came out.

"Have you been eating Andy?"


"Are you sure? I notice you've lost weight."

"Been exercising, didn't want to look bad in the dress."

And she didn't. She tried it on, looked herself in it, they made adjustments and she took it off, never really caring.

"Let's go have lunch."

Andy kissed the baby and handed her back over to her mother.

"I'm actually not hungry, but thanks."


"Don't... I would really just like to go back to the hotel if that's okay."

"It's not what you think, things got complicated and..."

"I really just want to go, please..."

Vivian let out a breath and nodded.

They went back to the hotel and Andy got out, running in and up to her room where she cried, where she just let it all out and came to the conclusion that she was just a liability. That Austin really didn't care for her and it was then too that her wall had finally gotten the last brick.

The next couple of days were the same, she would be given instruction on attire, she would be driven on her own to different destination and she would keep her poise and only spoke when she was spoken too.

What she didn't see was everyone around her saw a very sad woman that didn't have a clue what was going around her, but didn't complain, didn't get angry and just did as she was told. The thing that they didn't know was that Andy let it all out at night in her room where she prepared herself for the next day.

The next time though would test how strong she was. Andy walked into the church on her own not expecting may people, but again she should have known better to assume anything.

"Miss Anderson, there you are. Come with me."

She followed Mia as she handed her a bouquet of flowers and put her in a veil over her face. Then she was explained exactly what to do from the minute the doors opened and she just nodded. That's when her brother came next to her and the song came on. Her heart nearly ruptured, but she held it in and took a deep breath.

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