"I hope you two weren't..."

"Of course not Grandfather and good morning."

Andy kissed him on the cheek and got into the SUV with Austin's help.

"So you two had a good night?"

"Yeah, we talked and went to sleep."

He eyed him before he nodded and Austin helped his grandfather into the SUV.

"Stop, that tickles and I have the baby!"

Austin couldn't help himself, he was desperate for some attention from his wife. They had been flying for three hours and she still hadn't let the baby go.

"I thought I was your baby?"

Andy rolled her eyes.

"Yeah and you're acting like one too, so stop."

"It's not fair, she gets all the attention and she's not even ours."

"Imagine when we do."

"I already do. They'll have your gorgeous skin, my killer personality and all of our undying love and attention."

Andy laughed, shaking her head.

"I think we should practice for a while before we have them."

"No, we're having one as soon as I can get you pregnant."

"Austin, why always the rush?"

"Because I'm not getting any younger."

It was then that Andy didn't know how old Austin was.

"How old are you again?"

"I'll be thirty at the end of the year."


"I know right?"

"Austin, I'm only twenty three."

"I know, I had to get you young."

Austin laughed, kissing her neck.

"So young and innocent, just the way I like you."

Andy giggled, pushing him away with his elbow.


Austin had it, she took the baby from Andy's hands and got up, handing her over to her mother. He then turned back to his wife and pulled her up, taking her to the back of the plane into the restroom.

"Austin what are you doing?"

"Getting some attention."

He pushed her against the sink and wrapped her legs around his waist as he pushed against her.

"I want you so bad."

"We can't."

"Then kiss me."

Andy didn't have to be told twice. She grabbed his neck and pressed his lips against hers.

After a while, things started getting steamy, but Andy was turned on, especially when Austin had removed her clothes from the waist up.

"Back up."

Andy pushed Austin back and jumped down, then sat on the toilet seat. She looked up at her husband and smiled, pulling at his belt.

"You know how to...?"

"How about you just cover your mouth for me and let me do this for you?"

Austin nodded and watched her as she took him into her mouth.

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