A smile creeps up my lips and I puss off of his chest, causing our lips to part slightly, and I grin up at him.

"I'll have to get you home first."

"Carlos, I want to stay--"

A knock on the door comes in suddenly, it didn't last though, whoever it was must have gotten the message and left.

Carlos goes to pour himself another glass, I watch him go.

"You heard about Aurora?"

He hummed in response, and sips his drink casually.

"I heard there's a huge bounty on her head, Miles is taking it pretty hard. . Either way, you're the boss, I want to know what you plan to do once you find her."

"I'm not going to kill her." He read my mind. Aurora is not the best person, but she doesn't deserve to die. "I've known Aurora since she was a little girl, raised her almost, so I'm well aware when she acts with reason."

"You think she stabbed you in the back for a reason?"

"I'm choosing to give her the benefit of doubt, isn't that what you English people believe in."


He turns to look at me,

"She's part of the family."

I scoffed, a little hurt by the statement.

"And, I'm not?"

Carlos stops and lifts a brow at me.


There's a short pause between us before I threw in a faint smile,

"I should let you work--"

I turned and left him wondering,

I remained in my room the whole day, Carlos joins me sometime later.

I was too furious to talk or look at him,

He walks over and sits beside me on the floor, not saying a word, we both remain like that for a while.

"What am I?" I cut in between the silence, and turn to him, "A friend, some stranger you rescued from the road, a caretaker, someone you call up when you like, whatever I am I would really like to know?

He regards me for a while,

"What are you trying to say?"

"I just remember begging for a benefit of the doubt so many times in the past, I remember working very hard for your forgiveness, but each time you turned me away...I made one mistake and I've been paying severely for it, no one around here trusts me, not even Luis. Aurora not only tries to kill everyone, she took over your empire, rendered your family helpless, and without even seeing her you choose to trust her, why, because she's family."

He stares back,

"Do you trust me?" I added.

"I doubt that's the case here. What is it you really want, Eva?"

"Promise me you will say yes." I straddle on his lap,

He muses in response.

I lean down and savor his lips, he pulls me in, deepening the kiss,

"I want to join your gang for good this time," I mumble, my lips brushing against his.

He pulls away abruptly,

He pulls away abruptly,

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