Chapter Eight

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Aurora had no time to think rationally, her brother's life was on the line. What was she to do? She had no authority over Uhtred. Thinking quickly she made a run for her mother's room. Bursting the door open she found her mother's back to her. The Queen was perched on a wooden rocking chair, facing the window as the sun rays touched her skin. Aurora sprinted as she crouched down to her mother's level, facing her.

"Oh mother, you can't let them kill Edmund." She cried as her head fell into her lap, tears streaming. 

Her mother said nothing as she continued her stare, Aurora sobbed harder onto the Queen's thighs. "Please mother, do something." Aurora begged as she lifted her tear-stained eyes, "you don't want to lose another son."

At this the Queen finally looked down at her daughter, she smiled innocently as she lifted a hand, her fingers raking through her daughter's hair. 

"Don't worry, your father will fix it." The Queen yammered.

"Father's dead!" Aurora blubbered abruptly, her sadness turning into anger. "Don't you get it? He's not coming back!" She scoffed. The Queen said nothing as she held her daughter's cheek for comfort. Pushing her mother's hand away, she got up and ran out of the room. Aurora slammed the bedroom door closed, her back falling against it as she let out another cry.

Aurora knew this wasn't her mother's fault, but in all honesty, she had never felt more alone. She knew it was up to her and only her to save Edmund. She was scared, and if anything was to happen to Edmund, she knew that she was next.

But she was Aurora Lannister, a Princess with courage, something her mother had installed in her before she became insane. Wiping her tears, she let fury rule her mind. She got up from her spot, storming towards the dungeons.

Upon arrival, she found the guards patrolling the prison cells, trying her luck she began to walk ahead.

"Sorry My Lady, Uhtred's instructions." One of the knights said as he blocked her from entering the prison cells with his spear.

"And I am still your Princess. Let me pass." She condemned; the knight made no efforts to move, irritating the girl further. "Do not think I cannot sentence one to death too. Move." She warned. He looked at her questioningly, not sure whether to call her bluff, but he moved to one side, looking around.

"Be quick." He whispered as he gave her the key to her brother's cell, there was no hiding it, everyone knew who she was there for.

She thanked him quietly before making her way to where the Prince sat. Aurora hadn't seen him look this sad since Arthur's departure, he had finally lost hope. The shuffling of her feet caught his attention as he looked up, shock and surprise filling his features.

"Aurora." He mumbled. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to get you out somehow." She sighed, jingling the keys as she unlocked the door. Taking a step forward she embraced her brother, closing their eyes they endured a sweet and short moment. Drawing back she commanded, "Come with me now."

Ed shook his head. "It's too risky, the knight saw you walk in."

"I don't care, I can't watch you die." She fretted.

"And I can't you." Edmund sighed as he hugged her again.

"Well, what other choice is there!" She panicked, her vocals lifting.

Edmund closed the cell door ever so slightly, looking around before he turned back to his sister. "There is another way, one that could end this all."

"What is it?"

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