Chapter Seven

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Aurora found Edmund overthinking within his room, he held his hands on his head as he paced up and down the floorboards. Hearing a slight shuffle from his door, he looked up to find his sister, she smiled sympathetically as Edmund narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want?" He asked as he avoided eye contact.

"You know I wasn't siding with Uhtred out there," Aurora explained.

Holding his hands on his hips he let out a sigh. "I know." He spoke.

"And neither was mother, she doesn't know what's going on." Aurora sadly whispered as she sat on her brother's bed.

Taking a seat next to Aurora, Edmund stated, "You realise we can't stay here, it isn't safe." Taking a deep breath he shared, "we need to leave."


"He's going to kill us." Edmund plainly expressed.

Aurora gulped, shaking her head. "He wouldn't go that far."

Edmund scoffed, "he's planning something, I know it. But I fear his plans came into action a long while ago." Edmund murmured, "and it all started with Arthur."

"But where would we go, Ed? This is our home."

"No." Ed shook his head. "This," he opened up his arms gesturing to the space, "this is not home."

"What are you planning?" His sister asked.

Edmund crouched to her level, his beading eyes piercing, "to go against Uhtred, overpower him, if we gather enough supporters it could be possible, I am the rightful heir to the throne, by blood." Edmund bravely expressed. Aurora suddenly jolted her head towards the door, she could have sworn she heard a noise. "And with you by my side, I know it'll work, we would just have to..."

Aurora hushed her brother with a finger to his lips, with her eyes she gestured towards the door, Edmund catching onto her drift. Making as less noise as possible, Edmund stood up from his spot, tiptoeing towards his door where he stood behind it. Looking back at his sister he winked before swinging open the door and grabbing the eavesdropper. With a slam of the door, Edmund had Salvador against the wall by his collar.

"You?" Edmund growled. "Listen to anything interesting?"

"Father will have your head for this!" Salvador chuckled, angering Edmund as he applied more pressure to the arm across Salvador's neck.

"I have a right mind to kill you now," Edmund simmered.

"Ed, be careful," Aurora warned as she stood up.

"Listen to the girl," Salvador smirked.

"Don't think for a second," Aurora walked over to the pair, "this is about you." She hissed as she kneed the boy in the groin. Salvador groaned, Edmund, letting go as he slid down the wall and onto the floor holding his crotch. Bending down to his level, Aurora leant into his ear whispering, "leave."

Salvador still moaning ran for the door, leaving the pair in peace.

"Prick." Edmund insulted as he closed the door. "We leave, tomorrow night. Pack what you need."


The Princess made sure to pack all her belongings, it was now in the middle of the night, and the wind blew her candles into wavy patterns, the shadows shapeshifting into curls. It was a warm breezy draft that set within her chambers. She struggled to fall asleep that night, too many questions within her mind, what if they got caught? What if they die?

But when she finally managed to fall asleep her dreams didn't last long. It was now the early hours of the morning, Aurora woke with a shake. She gasped as she opened her eyes, her withered, old handmaiden stood above her.

"Martha? Whatever is the matter?" Aurora exhaled, clutching her chest.

"It's your brother Your Majesty, he's been accused of treason." Martha whimpered.

"What?" Aurora trembled. Then and just then, the world began to spin, this can't be happening. Arthur, her mother and now her brother, she could feel the bile rising in her throat, the air being drawn from her lungs. This was not going to end well. Jumping out of bed, she threw on her robe.

"My Lady, you must dress in something more appropriate," Martha suggested.

"I don't have time for appropriate Martha." Aurora shrieked as she slid on her shoes, dashing for the door.

Making her way around the castle, she found herself outside the great hall.

"Your Majesty," one of the guards had stopped her from entering, "Uhtred has demanded he is not to be disturbed."

Aurora sneered, "you let me in right now."

"Princess Aurora..."

"Right now!" She screamed, the guards bowing as they accepted her request. Bolting through the doors, there her brother knelt in chains as he spun his head back, worry prominent in his eyes. Glancing from her brother to Uhtred sitting on the throne, she scowled at him.

"What's the meaning of this?" She raged, storming towards her brother.

"Guards." Uhtred beckoned as they restrained the Princess from walking any closer. "The young Prince has been found guilty of plotting against the King," Uhtred announced.

"And where's your source?" Aurora inquired, struggling against the knights.

"Right here," Salvador smirked as he stepped forwards from the shadows behind the throne.  "You heard him yourself, he said he wanted to overpower my father."

Blushing ever so slightly, Aurora flickered her eyes at her brother and back. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"The word of the next heir to the throne is much more valuable than that of a lowly Princess." Uhtred jeered as he stood up.

"Next heir to the throne?" She repeated in anger. "Next heir to the... throne." She shook her head in disbelief, finally everything was beginning to match. "That's what this is about, your brewing storm." She seethed. "You never wanted Edmund to be King."

Uhtred smirked, copying Aurora's previous manner. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"So, what are you going to do with me? Banish me from my land?" Edmund sneered, finally piping up.

"Oh no." Uhtred pondered, rubbing his hands together. "What's from stopping you from forming an army and coming after me?" Uhtred smiled smugly. "You leave me no choice." He sighed dramatically. "I hereby sentence you to death by the treason of the King."

It was at that moment; that Aurora's heart skipped a beat. Her head began to feel dizzy, her knees knocking together. She felt faint, the yells of conflict sprawled across the hall,  she closed her eyes, covering her ears as she drowned out the noise to think. This was the scheme, get rid of Arthur and now Edmund. There would be no one to stop him.

"My lord, perhaps a fair trial?" A nearby knight pondered, Asterin's most loyal knights were questioning the King's decision.

"I don't need a trial." Uhtred testified.

"You can't do that!" Aurora howled.

"Actually, I can." Uhtred chortled as he took a seat on the throne. "He will be beheaded tomorrow at nightfall." With a wave of his hand, the guards began to drag the young Prince away.

"You can't do this! I am the Prince!" Edmund barked as the knights paid no attention. "I am your Prince!"

"Edmund!" Aurora bawled as he was dragged past her, their hands slightly brushing as she held on.

"Take her out too." Uhtred smiled, the knights restraining the girl. 


The Kingdom Of AsterinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora