Wednesday, September 4th 9:00 am Massie Block's iPad

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Massie woke up that morning at her usual 6:00 am alarm and sent a text to her mom saying that she didn't feel well and would be staying home from school that day. Rather than wait for a response, she fell back asleep and dreamed of the designer brands and inside jokes that would fill the rest of the day.

She awoke next after her second alarm at 9:00 am once her parents had both left for work and checked her phone. Her mother had responded telling her to feel better, rest up, and that she would have their chef make something nutritious for dinner to get her energy back up. Derrick had also texted asking why he hadn't been invited to their ditch day after hearing the PC was all absent from class that morning. Massie smiled and responded that it was a girls day, but if he really wanted to go to dress shopping he could always ask the guys to go with him. He sent back a sick face and laughing face emoji which made her giggle.

She sat up more in her bed and texted the Pretty Committee group chat.

Massiekur: rise + shine ladies

Holagurl: ? is the dress code???

SexySportsBabe: heard we got homework in math already :(

BigRedHead: no1 cares, r we going 2 starbies?

Massiekur: dress code = VS model and yes dyl, obvi

Massie smiled and got up, going about her extended morning routine. She threw open her curtains, letting in the warm morning light, and scratched Beans head, who was still dozing in her doggie bed.  Moving on to the bathroom, she applied both a face and hair mask before jumping in the shower where she washed them both off, shampooed, conditioned, washed, shaved, exfoliated, and visualized herself finding the perfect dress for her party.

She turned off the water and dried off, wrapping herself in the fluffiest royal purple robe she had and going through her skincare routine. Rosewater, toner, serum, oils, moisturizer... She recited as she went through the detailed process. Once her skin was perfectly prepped, she moved on to makeup. Her inspiration came from the glow Victoria's Secret makeup artists often gave their models. She artfully applied a bit of foundation and concealer, a light rosy lip, a lot of highlighter and bronzer, and some long full false eyelashes. After a moment of consideration she added a long thin eyeliner wing and a touch of warm eyeshadow to her crease for a fox-eye look that was popular amongst the models.

She pulled her hair from the soft white towel it was wrapped in and carefully dried and curled it. After letting the curls cool for a moment, she brushed them out and added hairspray until they were as voluminous as what she saw on the runway.

Finally, it was time for her outfit. She had spent at least two hours planning it the night before and now as she transferred it from the Massie-quinn to herself- carefully, as to not mess up her hair and makeup- she remembered why she loved the look so much. She had decided to wear a black mini pencil skirt with a rich purple silk button down shirt tucked into it. She unbuttoned the top half buttons and let the shirt slip down and rest daintily just off her shoulders. Underneath she had on a black skin tight lingerie spagetti strap top that could now be seen. She pulled in the outfit together from the middle with a Gucci belt that matched the purse on her arm from the same brand and added ultra-high pumps in the same rich purple color on her feet. After adding some jewelry- a simple gold necklace and anklet- she was up to at least a 10, if not higher.

She added her wallet, phone, and other essentials to her tiny purse and grabbed a Luna bar from the kitchen for breakfast before saying goodbye to Bean and heading out to the car.

"Isaac," She said to the driver as she settled into the back seat. "Let's pickup the girls!"

* * *

As each girl emerged from their house, Massie carefully inspected their outfits and gave them their rating.

Alicia came out wearing a burnt orange silk slip dress with a vintage designer jean jacket on top. She added gold strappy heels and large gold hoop earrings to the look to appear even more luxurious and her hair was parted down the middle in loose waves that went down her back. Massie gave her a 10 and they went on to Dylan's house.

The redhead had her hair in bouncy blown-out curls that matched the bright red heels on her feet. She wore a flowy peasant style dress that ended just a few inches below her butt and had on a black lacy corset over top that cinched tightly around her ultra-skinny waist. The girls applauded the look and also gave her a 10.

Finally they picked up Kristen who, after ditching the trench coat that hid her scandalous outfit from her mother, revealed another 10-worthy fit. She wore a light pink bustier lingerie top tucked into a pair of light wash distressed skinny jeans. She added a white blazer and white pointed heels to bring the look together. Her hair was twisted up in a claw clip that was a popular look for models and her blonde highlights fell lightly around her black Chanel sunglasses.

Once all the girls were in, they looked at Massie to give her her rating. "I'm thinking.... 11!" Alicia shouted and Kristen and Dylan cheered in agreement.

"Eh mah gawd that's the highest rating ever," Kristen exclaimed.

"Well then just wait until you see what I wear tomorrow." Massie declared.

"Why?" Alicia asked knowingly.

Suddenly the girls chanted out in unison, "BECAUSE WE GET BETTER LOOKING EVERY DAY!"

* * *

As the car arrived on 5th Avenue the girls finished primping and stepped out onto the sidewalk.

"Okay, the plan is Saks, then Louis Vuitton, Bergdorf, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Guess, Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Prada, Ted Baker, Valentine, Versace, and Victoria's Secret." Massie listed off the stores on their agenda. "Oh but first Starbucks."

"Wow. That was like. Almost alphabetical." Kristen noted.

Dylan rolled her eyes, "NEEERD," she burped, making the girls crack up.

"Song?" Alicia asked in between laughing.

"Savage by Megan Thee Stallion," she answered gaining her composure.

"Wait the original or the remix?" Dylan questioned.

"The remix has Beyonce. Obviously the remix!" Kristen said linking her arms with Dylan's and Massie's.

Alicia linked herself with Massie's free arm as not to be left out and as they strutted off down the avenue, Massie imagined the world was their catwalk.

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