Tuesday, August 27th 2:37 pm Octavian Country Day School

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Massie forcefully opened the door to the bathroom and the girls washing their hands looked over surprised. "Get out." she stated casually and watched as they scurried past the PC into the hallway, hands still dripping with soapy water. The girls shuffled in behind Massie and Dylan locked the door behind them. They had approximately 5 minutes to touch up and regroup before the boys would be outside in Josh's driver's car. It would have enough space for all of them and "would smell just like him!" Alicia had squealed when she found out.

Massie stood in front of the floor length mirror on the back of the door and scrutinized her outfit from top to bottom. Her hair was loosely curled and she took a moment to spritz some extra Chanel no. 5 in it so Derrick would smell it when they were close. Her makeup was clean and clear since she had just touched it up in class and she swiped on a MAC lip plumper to increase her pout. She had gotten dressed this morning inspired by modern royalty like Megan Markle and Kate Middleton. Her white button down blouse was tucked into a pair of of DKNY light wash skinny jeans and she layered on a few gold necklaces, both to match her gold charm bracelet and to accentuate her B-cups. On her feet, a pair of sleek nude Louis-Vuitton's completed the look and made her look just like a modern princess-on-her-day-off. It was a perfect 10.

"My turn!" Alicia cheered and switched places with Massie. The girls had all decided on jeans last night and Alicia had matched hers with an olive Ralph Lauren mock-neck sweater that matched her tan. Her hair was tied up in a straight ponytail that rivaled Ariana Grande and her Miu Miu heels had gold accents that matched the rings on her fingers. Overall the look earned her a 9.8. She smiled at her reflection before being pushed out of frame by Dylan.

The redhead had used an iron to perfect her natural curls which were now loose after a long school day. She had decided on fit and flare jeans with a pair of White platforms underneath to make her as tall as her friends but not too tall compared to Chris. On top she added a white deep v-neck with flowy sleeves, completing her cute 70's-girl look. She was given a 9.8, tying her with Alicia.

Finally Kristen took her place in front of the mirror and questioned her outfit choices. She had been torn between dressing like Claire since it was what she knew Cam liked and dressing opposite to Claire since he might not want to be reminded of her. Eventually the PC convinced her to simply be herself and so she had on a pink jersey from a past breast-cancer themed soccer game and a pair of ultra-skinny levi's that showed off her perfect legs. She added a pair of nude ballet flats to appear shorter and cuter and her hair was in a half-up half-down look with a few of her blonde highlights framing her face.

"It's a 10." Massie declared. The girls squealed and grabbed their book bags before heading to the parking lot.

They watched as the other girls who were waiting for their rides stared at the sleek black Range Rover approaching the school. The crowd of students parted as the PC walked through towards the vehicle. Suddenly the door swung open and the crowd began whispering as they saw Derrick Harrington, Josh Hotz, Chris Plovert, and Cam Fisher inside.

"...is that Cam...?"

"...can't believe he's ok..."

"...is he with one of the Pretty Committee...?"

The girls carefully stepped into the seats next to the boys and the driver, who had stepped out and took their bags, slammed the door shut behind them before speeding off toward the outdoor mall.

Meanwhile inside the car Massie had taken her place next to Derrick in the middle row of seats with Alicia and Josh next to them. In the back row Dylan climbed in next to Chris leaving just one seat for Kristen- right next to Cam.

From her spot in the back Kristen watched as Derrick placed an arm around Massie, and Alicia immediately started whispering with Josh about some soccer gossip she heard. She was internally scolding herself for not preparing an icebreaker with Cam when he spoke.

"Hey Kris, congrats on the win this weekend. I'm sorry I didn't get to see the game..." he looked at her apologetically with his green and blue eyes and Kristen felt her heart break for him. Then she felt angry at Claire for what she did.

"Oh thanks," she replied. "And don't worry about it, you can come to my next one." She smiled back and suddenly they were making plans to cheer for each other at each of their games this season and cracking inside soccer jokes that Claire would have never understood.

Next to her Dylan and Chris were stammering through a conversation.

"I like your hair... did you do something different...?" She tried complimenting him.

"Uh no..." Chris brought his hand up to his head and tousled his dark brown curls. "I mean thanks! I mean... I like your hair too?"

She blushed and turned her head to shake her red curls. "Really? I mean, it took forever for get it just right." She admitted.

"Well it was worth it!" Chris laughed and found himself reaching out and moving a stray curl from her face.

Dylan's heart beat so loud she was sure everyone would hear it if not for the music playing through the speakers. Wait... I know this song! She thought.

"It's our song!!!" She yelled to the other girls who all screamed once they realized what was playing.

Derrick turned around in his seat. "No way..." he laughed, "Cam just showed us this song!"

"...I sold my soul to the devil for designer..." the vocals started.

"They say 'go to hell' but I told 'em I don't wanna," the girls added on.

"If you know me well then you know that I ain't going cause..." everyone sang and Josh reached forward turning up the music until it was blasting.


Suddenly each of the couples found themselves laughing and looking into each other eyes.

Yep... the girls thought... all according to plan.

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