Friday, August 30th 6:29 pm The Cabana

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The girls had spent the first few hours of the night going over the usual gossip, posting to instagram, and snacking on 0 calorie treats and green juices. Now, as the sunset left the sky and the outside turned completely dark, Massie sat up on her sleeping bag and cleared her throat.

"Ach-hem!" She fake coughed, getting the PCs attention and causing them to sit up as well. "I have to say. You girls impressed me this week with your boy-snatching abilities. Now that that part of the plan is almost complete- Kristen, I'm sure you and Cam will be ah-ficial soon- it's time to move on to the next phase: destroying the DSL daters."

"I thought we were still brainstorming that?" Alicia asked.

"Yeah something about boys are the enemy?" Dylan questioned.

"Boys aren't the enemy, Skye is remember? The whole 'they're easy' thing?" Kristen reminded them, adding air quotes around "they're easy."

"Exactly." Massie confirmed. "And now I have a plan to put that idea into action." She lifted her hand to her throat and touched the pearls absentmindedly while she recounted the plan she had thought of earlier. "First, beginning tonight we will need to run a full smear campaign against them. I'm talking anonymous message boards, planting evidence, and getting the Briarwood boys involved."

"The boys? But they love the DSL daters-" Alicia challenged.

"The boys only like them because the girls treat them like they're the only guy in the world. All we need to do is expose them for how many guys they actually hook up with- and when- and they'll realize they were being played." Massie rolled her eyes as if it were obvious- as if she hadn't thought of it on the spot when Alicia asked.

The girls began their mission carefully. First Massie called Derrick to get him on board with the plan. He was eager to help and agreed to write their phone numbers in the boys bathroom stalls for evidence and start spreading the rumors to the other guys. At the same time, Kristen began planting the rumors to as many people as possible; going to such lengths as posting on the schools bulletin board, and commanding LBRs to post about it. They were so low on the food chain that they would take a good piece of gossip like gold and run with it. And no one would believe them if they said the rumors came from Kristen.

Meanwhile, Alicia and Dylan got Josh and Chris involved and the four of them set about contacting every lead they had on the DSL daters. Together they compiled a list of evidence of the guys they were with, the dates, and how far they went.

"Massie look at this," Alicia called the alpha over to look at the laptop screen holding the evidence.

"What am I looking at," Massie asked.

Dylan responded, "Almost every guy we contacted said that they weren't actually a fan of the DSL daters. They all were mad about being passed up for the next guy they went for. It seems like they just all say they like them to fit in but there's some real hard feelings here."

"Point," Alicia agreed, "I mean look, at the same time that Skye was trying to hook up with Chris Abely, he had a girlfriend and she was seen with Kemp Hurley! It's a mess."

Massie smiled. "Perfect." She said calmly and sat back down. The messier the better, she thought. Just as she was about to move on to the next step, her phone lit up.

Derrington: got these from the guys on the soccer team. I think u'll find them useful ;)

Massie read the text and opened the attachment that went with it. Derrick had sent her a file of photos of texts or pictures that the guys had received from members of the DSL Daters. The photos ranged from ones that were harmless but were timestamped for evidence, and ones that verged on completely inappropriate. Massies mouth dropped to an "O" shape and the other girls looked up.

"What is it?" Alicia asked.

Massie simply handed the phone to Kristen and told her to pick her favorites to post. This is almost too easy she thought.

After a few more minutes, and a refill on the green juices they were sipping, Massie commanded their attention again. "Okay, now we have to leave it and let the gossip spread. I have one more step to the plan- we need to be everything they're not." She declared. "That means absolutely no contact with guys that aren't your boyfriend unless it's crucial to the plan- and I want to know every detail. We will also start advertising the homecoming party later this week as the mature girl-boy party it is, as opposed to Skye's trashy sorority party at her parents estate. Last, I want us seen with the guys at upper-class places only! I'm talking the schools, country clubs, horse-back riding. I will nawt have any of us caught dead in the back of a car at night or dragging ourselves back home in the morning in the same minidress as the night before." Massie paused for dramatic effect. "Ah-greed?"

"Ah-greed!" The girls shouted back, and then laughed at how in time they were.

* * *

The rest of the weekend went quite predictably. The girls met with Derringtons boys at the country club for brunch on Saturday. Cam and Kristen flirted, but still weren't official. The gossip continued to spread until Skye and the rival clique began losing followers and receiving hate messages and other sub-tweets.

On Sunday Massie had her usual pilates class and then met with the team of planners she had hired for the homecoming party later in the evening. Everything had been perfect until 10:59 pm on Sunday night.

As she lay in bed, already tucked in for her beauty sleep before the new week, her phone buzzed. She lifted her silk sleep mask and peered with one eye at the message. Then she sat upright and stared at it.

Unknown contact: U R SO DEAD.

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