The Last Night - Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Oh and let's not forget the quidditch team, I'm sure I can persuade the captain to let you on," he added. He squeezed her hand a little and then let go, removing the touch that had comforted her to this point. She wondered if that was symbolic of what was to come as soon as they hit the steps of Hogwarts tomorrow.

"I...don't know if I'll join actually," she hesitated, looking away. She hated to say it as Harry had kept encouraging her to do it, and it would be a sure way to keep in touch with him and George, but deep down she didn't feel good enough. Failing in front of a stadium of people would also be the fast-track way to be labelled as a loser, and she didn't fancy that.

"Rubbish," Fred responded loudly. He then quickly realized his volume at Jessica's widened eyes and dropped to a faint whisper, "you have to try out."

"But Harry said you're only missing a keeper since your old captain left," she whispered back to him, "you've seen me play keeper, I'm shit. Besides, Ron's trying out for keeper and he's your brother and Harry's best friend, he'll get it for sure."

This was true. They had played a lot of Quidditch in the past couple of weeks and the three times she had played keeper, her team had lost every single time. There was one match where she had Fred and Harry on her team and they lost 150-50, that's how bad she was in that position. She let in almost every shot George threw at her.

"Yeah not going to deny that," chuckled Fred, "but you never know, one of the girls might get injured this year and then you could fill in. Slytherin's always quite nasty with their bludgers so you might get lucky."

"Oh yeah that's encouraging," Jessica said sarcastically, sitting up and turning to her pillows to fluff them, "Though I think I'll be just as happy cheering you on with Hermione from the stands."

"Yeah but if you don't join the team then.." Fred trailed off as Jessica propped herself up on her now fully pumped pillows. He appeared in mid-thought, his mouth open but no words leaving it. His hazel eyes were glaring off to the side at the bright candle flame.

"Then what?" she asked. She considered that he might have been about to have a stroke with the way he was so still.

"Nothing," he said as he shook his head, his hair landing slightly out of place and his eyes drawing away from the flame like he was snapping back into the present time. "You know what, it doesn't matter, you can always come to practice can't you?"

"Well no, Hermione said we're going to have to study for O.W.L.'s a lot," Jessica answered matter-of-factly, "and as I'm far behind she said she'll tutor me privately when you lot are at practice."

"Oh right, yeah," said Fred, his fingers starting to fidget with the loose thread just like Jessica had. "Guess we'll have to hold off teasing Ron about how bad he is until we're back in the common room then," he said, "so you don't miss out."

"Well yeah, that's if I'm even there-"

"I swear to god if you say you might not be in Gryffindor one more time I'm going to fucking feed you to Buckbeak," Fred laughed, playfully punching her arm. He was so strong that it hurt her a little. She didn't care.

"But how can you guys be sure..." she started to moan, her arms reaching out in frustration. To her surprise, he caught her arm with ease, gripping it close and pulling her in.

"Because I won't have it if you're anything else," he said, his whole hand covering the majority of her right forearm, "you need to be in Gryffindor and you will be."

Her back was getting strained leaning this far forward, but she didn't feel one bit of pain. She could only concentrate on the oval eyes above her, and that smell of bonfire smoke that had wafted into her senses. "And why is that?" she asked.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now