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"MIKASA, OVER THERE." MERA pointed to her comrades, who were stuck in the rooftop of one of the buildings.

"Damn it! What do we do?"

"We do nothing. They've rung the withdrawal signal at last . . . yet here we are. Out of gas and unable to climb the wall. Now we're all gonna die. We're all gonna die, we are. Because of those filthy cowards." Jean squatted on the rooftop, a hand covering his right eye in his frustration.

"They've lost the will to fight? That I can understand, but still . . . calling off the supplying mission effectively hanging us out to dry so they could barricade themselves at the headquarters? That's just wrong . . . and of course, the titans come swarming and we can't even replenish our stocks of gas." Jean continued.

"We have no choice but to fight tooth and nails against the tide, and kill those titans as they come!" Connie said, still determined about getting out of here alive. He stood up on he rooftop, trying to convince Jean. "If we stand around doing nothing, we'll be in the exact same situation anyway! The titans will congregate here too! If we keep scurrying about like mice trying to escape, we'll only end up squandering what precious little gas we have left! And once we completely lose our mobility, its over!!"

"You're using your head for a change, Connie." Jean snorted humorlessly, eyeing Connie straight in the eye. "However, do you really think we can make a difference with our current man power? Most of our seniors from the front guard have been slaughtered ― we trainees are all that's left. So who's gonna take charge of the suicide mission, exactly?"

"Mikasa!! Mera!!"

"Annie!" Mera yelled out. "I more or less worked out what was going on somehow, and while we're at it, sorry for letting my personal matters interfere, but have you seen Armin?!"

"I haven't seen Eren's team, but Armin's over there." Annie said, answering both Mera and Mikasa's silent question.

"Armin!!" Mera ran over to him, clutching him close to her. "You're okay, you're safe. Thank the walls. Tell me, are you hurt anywhere? Armin? Armin, are you alright?"

"Armin, where's Eren?" Mikasa kneeled down to him, asking him the question that had been bothering her since earlier. Mera felt how Armin tensed around her arms, and how the front of her uniform was slowly getting drenched by tears.

Armin pulled away, letting Mikasa see the tears that were slipping past his eyes. Mera's heart clenched, already knowing what this meant. "In the trainees squad number thirty-four, our team; Thomas Wagner, Nack Teas, Millius Zermusky, Mina Caroline, and . . . Eren Jaeger. The aforementioned five, bravely fell in the line of duty . . ."

Mera shut her eyes tightly, her heart hurting at the loss of her childhood friend. "Armin . . . it must have been painful, right? I'm sorry . . . you had to witness that alone. But now isn't the time to grieve."

The Cadet Corps were surprised when Mikasa echoed Mera's statement. The brown haired woman looked down at Armin, and kissed his forehead in comfort. "It's going to be okay, Min. Don't apologize. I'm sure Mikasa doesn't blame you for anything."

She stood up, her eyes losing it's shine so quickly. "I'm going to eliminate the titans swarming the headquarters, and so everyone can replenish their gas. I have plenty left, so you're not going to have to worry. I . . . I know this will be risky, but you're going to have to put your trust on me. It might be difficult, but its our only chance of surviving."

With that as her final words to them, Mera jumped off the building, using her gas sparingly as she killed the titans that were in her way of getting to the headquarters. She could hear the others following behind her, the sound of their omni-directional maneuver gear unmistakable even with her own being loud in the wind.

To rise above humanity, you have to toss away your own. This is something that Erwin Smith had taught me at a young age. And so, any lives lost on this suicide mission of mine . . . I will take complete responsibility for. Their bloods are on my hands.

Armin, I'm sorry. Be careful. 

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