xix. unsaid emily

Start from the beginning

"And I said no." Now my jaw is dropping for a completely different reason, and I let confusion take over my features.

"Wait, what?" I ask, still confused and surprised about her saying no to going on a date with Nick. The Nick she couldn't stop talking about when Flynn and I had interrogated her about her crush last night.

"It's just . . . with the band, and school . . . I just don't think I can handle the stress of having a boyfriend right now if I won't be able to give him the time he should get." Julie explains, and with-what I hope-an understanding smile on my lips I nod my head.

"Aww, my baby's all grown up," Flynn states and I walk away from the conversation to go to my locker.

Placing all my things in my locker, and taking out what I'll need for my next class. I jump when I see expectant smiles on both Julie and Flynn's faces as I close my locker.

"Did I miss something?" I ask as I look between the two girls.

"No," Julie hums and I let out a small sigh of relief. "Just wondering what was going on with you and Luke last night." If I was drinking water I would've choked on it. So-instead-I look at the two of them with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry?" I stutter out, hoping the bell will ring so I don't have to talk about this right now.

"Well to my knowledge it shouldn't take as long as it took to find my phone. And when I went to go check the studio I saw Alex and Reggie in there but no sign of the two of you. And when I asked where you were Reggie assumed you all were at your place." Julie tells me, and I blink rapidly as I process all that information. I know deep down she just wants confirmation that their plan to get us to talk worked. "So did something happen?"

"Um . . ." my voice gets increasingly higher as I look anywhere but to the expectant stares of Julie and Flynn. I can feel a light blush start to cover my cheeks, and that didn't go unnoticed by the two in front of me.

"Something did happen!" Flynn exclaims, hitting my arm in the process. I wince at the sudden contact to my bicep and start to swat away her hand.

"Nothing really happened. I mean, we just kissed," I rush out the last part and when I glance back at them I notice their confused looks.

"Come again?" Flynn asks. I sigh, not looking at them.

"We kissed," I sum up and their eyes widen before I hear them let out excited shouts. I immediately start shushing them when I notice the odd stares that are being shot out way.

"Finally!" Flynn exclaims, then the bell rings. I basically run from them, but once again a hand catches my wrist.

"I get if you don't want to talk about it all right now, but meet me at the studio after school. And don't ask questions and just meet me there," shooting her a quick confused look I still slowly nod my head. Satisfied with that, Julie let's go of my wrist and I make my way to my first class.

"What are we doing in here?" I ask as I watch Julie look around the studio. We've been in here for about ten minutes and all I've been doing is lounging in one of the chairs as I watch Julie-who looks like she's on a mission.

She pays no mind to me as she continues to look around for something that I am utterly clueless about. Occasionally muttering 'Where is it' as she scouts the room.

"Do you want help?" I ask, but once again my words seem to go in one ear and come out the other. Letting out a sigh I sink back into the chair, but I don't even get a moment to get comfortable because Julie lets out an excited shout from the other side of the room.

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