Ill be the villian

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Previously on A New Legacy: Secrets Revealed

"We let them in"

" but you see I'm not someone who revels in the pain of others... so I'll do you a favor"

I'll give you mercy which is much more than you deserve"

"his vessel"


The same night the twins disappeared and were returned by our blonde hero, was the same night that the necromancer managed to fool and distract everyone at the Salvatore school and get exactly what was needed to have Malivore rise.

Naruto sat in library listening to the squabbling between Alaric and the teachers. The super squad were present the only ones missing was Josie and lizzie who needed to rest after the evenings ordeal.

"We send the students home" he said voicing his opinion, for the first time since the meeting started.The entire room looked at him.

"Their parents will wonder why, and considering that we were not forthcoming with the details last year I can only imagine what the reaction would be" voiced one nameless magic teacher that Naruto forgot the name of. The blonde raised an eyebrow at the comment.

"The school should be closed.We are facing something that has the power to absorb dragons, gargoyles , hydras and plenty more not only will the school because a battlefield but the entire town will be dragged into it too" He paused and looked to everyone in the room " there is no time to care about what their parents will think... I'm rather concerned about what you will say if they are killed how will you look their parents in the eyes then?"The teacher that voiced his opinion looked throughly admonished by the young blondes logic.

He said and exited the library and went to his room, he was followed out by hope calling his name.

"Naru stop!" She shouted in the hallway he turned to face her his facial expression was blank as he stared at her.
Hope took a step towards him and cupping his face between her hands " Why are you so worked up? Talk to me"

"What's going through your mind right now?" She tried he sighed before he removed her hands from his face.

"Plans, strategy and those people in there are wasting time. it's been hours since Landon went missing or was taken.." he paused and turned away continuing his journey to his room.

"And I don't know how long we have to prepare either so yes Hope I'm worked up because for the past few months we've been reacting and we've been lucky enough not lose people but I'm afraid that, that luck will run out soon and when it does I want us to be prepared" he said taking out his scrolls from his draws and poured chakra into them. Each popping out sets of kunai, shuriken, sealing tags, and his hiraishin kunai.

He unsealed his two katanas and then his clothes. He dressed in  a black cargo pants that had many pockets where he could store his kunai,steel tipped black boots and a black tight fit turtleneck. He strapped the katanas to his back.

"where are you going with all of this?" She asked crossing her arms as she watched her boyfriend arm himself with weapons, like he was off to battle.

"To find and destroy Malivore before he can cause more destruction" he said as he finished arming himself

"You're going alone ? No... NO" she said shaking her head " I'll call my dad and he can help and I can go .. you have my family too Naru don't do this by yourself" her lip trembled as she spoke

He gave Hope a small smile and stepped closer to the girl
"Don't worry I won't be doing it alone" he said hugging the girl he put some chakra in his finger and pushed it into her neck

A new legacy:Secrets RevealedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang