Do you know who she is?

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Previously on A New Legacy:Secrets Revealed-
"I don't know a kol" she lied easily my expression remained the same.

"Oh silly me let me clarify ...I'd like you to tell me where I could find your brother Freya Mikaelson" I said with a small smile.
Naruto POV
As the words were uttered she muttered some kind of spell.I tried to move and sighed.

"You won't be able to move" she said holding her hand of course a paralysis spell, Hope often used this when we sparred.

I grunted but ultimately decided to stay still, and let her have the upper hand I'm sure she wanted to know why all of a sudden, I was looking for her brother since they probably had many enemies.

"I see that yes" I answered and relaxed my body.

"You don't seem worried ?" She raised an eyebrow in question

" I'm not especially worried, I could get out of this spell I admit" I paused flexing a bit she put more power into the spell " it's much stronger than I'm used too but this gives you some ease so I'll stay in here" I attempted to shrug but it didn't come off as such.

"Why are you looking for Kol? Did he hurt someone you care for and now you're looking for revenge ?" I chuckled softly and shook my head at the question.

"No  however he does have information I need, I don't care what he did in his life it's not my business" I said honestly.

"And what information would that be ?"

" I don't think you would know what I need to know so if you could please direct me to where I could find him, that would be just super" I said with some humor clearly she didn't find it amusing and strengthened the hold, I heard the door open and turned my head an saw a blonde walk in she was about 5,6 feet and blonde hair hung over her shoulders, she had a feisty look about her but she was very attractive.

"Sister what do we have here?" She pointed toward me, I flared my chakra and broke the spell, fixing my jacket.

"Rebecca Mikaelson I presume?" I looked to her and she raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"The Mikaelsons sure had some luck in the gene pool" I said quietly, I walked around the bar and looked at the pictures on the wall.I took one off, it was a younger Hope she was probably 15 in the picture he blue eyes shone brightly as she smiled with her mother.

"How did you get out of that spell?" Asked freya confused

I answered without looking away from the picture I felt Rebecca come closer as well as freya they were cautious but didn't attack.

"I told you, I could get out of it easily but I let you keep it up because I'm not looking for trouble I just want to know where your brother is, so that I can ask him my questions and get back to the Salvatore school." I said when I finally put the picture back on the wall and turned to the two blonde woman who now watched me their suspicion turned to curiosity.

" you're from the school Alaric and Caroline started ? What are you I don't sense any magic and you're definitely not a vampire..." she trailed off.

" I'm something completely different and I'll leave it at that so can you help me or not ?"

Rebecca answered now crossing her arms over her chest " answer this first" she paused and pointed to the picture I was looking at " Do you know who she is?" I turned back and smiled at the picture and nodded my head.

"I do and that's why I need to speak to your brother" Rebecca looked to her sister and nodded

" alright if you have a car you can follow us back to our home but if you try anything I don't care if you're a student at Salvatore I'll stick your head on a pike" Rebecca threatened seriously flashing her vampire face, if I wasn't completely In love with my darling I might've flirted with her a bit and said something completely perverted but I held my tongue and nodded my head " yeah sure no worries" I waved off and walked toward the door ..I looked down to the handleless door and turned back " you really need to get this door looked at" I said with a smirk before going to my car.
Hope POV

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